How Leonardo Da Vinci helped shaped the world -Part 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Leonardo Da Vinci is widely known for his artistic masterpieces, like the Mona Lisa, but very few people actually know how much of a role he played in shaping the world as we know it.

Intrigued by history I thought it right to start this mini-series about some of the most important people in history in my opinion. So today we start with Leonardo Da Vinci

History of Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci grew up in the Republic Of Florence with the Medici ruling at that time. Fear ran the streets as assassins were a popular thing back then.

Da Vinci was a child born without the benefit of clergy. At the age of fourteen Da Vinci started working as an apprentice in the workshop of an artist known as Verrocchio. Here he learned most of his technical, chemistry, mechanical and carpentry skills. All of these skills he used later in is life to aid the invention he thought of.(We will discuss this in greater detail in the next part of this series)

Da Vinci was so talented that when he helped Verrocchio to paint the angel in the “Baptism of Christ” Verrocchio thought it was far better than what he could have done and decided to lay down his brush for good.

In 1476, da Vinci was accused of sodomy. Being a man of pride, da Vinci suffered such a heavy blow to his reputation that his movements and doings went undocumented for two years after he was acquitted.
Da Vinci had later been commissioned in Milan (1478) to paint two pieces of artwork. Da Vinci later left without finishing the pieces (*the incompletion of his artworks will be explained in the next part).

1482 Marks an important date for da Vinci as Florentine ruler Medici ordered him to create a piece gesture to Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo used this to pursue Ludovico for a job. However, Leonardo was not interested in a job as an artist but rather as an engineer who would design military equipment and weapons. This lead to the invention of the armoured tank.

Da Vinci’s intellectual mind wondered and was curious. This led him into pursuing different fields and a wide variety of subjects. Da Vinci’s curiosity lead him into dissecting humans to understand the most complex creation ever made. In 1507, he became the first to describe arteriosclerosis.

To be continued....

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This looks like an interesting series. So now following!

Thank you... If you would like someone to feature in this series, just say the name and I will look into it

A great inventor :) I actually know him more from the inventor side than the rest.

Later on I will post more about the great things he invented.

I am looking forward to read it :)

Thank you . It is great to meet people who think just like me.

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