What Its Like To Have A Depression

in #life6 years ago

There are some shocking reasons as to why depression is a complete disaster. It is something so disturbing that it can affect your entire life, and make you disable and bed-ridden. While depression is mostly ignored and taken for granted, many researchers now claim that it is even worse than other physical diseases and illnesses that a person may have. From your brain capabilities to your body, it can affect you entirely and put a number of negative impacts on different body systems.

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We need to understand this growing problem of our society more deeply so that we can empathize with the people around us, and identify a person who is possibly suffering from depression silently. Mostly, the people who suffer from depression fail to ask for help and tends to remain silent. They don’t realize that it’s a disease, and falls into the trap of thinking that they’re going crazy. While in reality, they’re only suffering from a disease and needs a treatment for that.
Depression can alter the entire mechanism of how your body works. It can cause deficiency and imbalance of the hormones in our body that causes us to think and feel in a certain way. It can alter the chemistry of your brain as well as the other systems of your body.

Here are some of the lesser-known and less-discussed symptoms that makes it evident why depression is a disaster and what it’s like to have a depression. To understand it further, here is what a person suffering from depression feels like:

  • Excessive fatigue
    A depression can make you feel unexplainably exhausted and tired. The patient would tend to keep himself or herself locked in the room all day or remain bedridden all the time.
  • Losing interest in life
    This is actually more terrible and disturbing than it sounds like. A person who loses his will to live, or loses their interest in life can suffer from a worse condition than other diseases. Doctors always say to their patient that the willpower is the best healer. When the person loses interest in healing and getting better, that’s where the bigger problem starts from.
  • Muscles twitching
    As depression can seriously alter our brain chemistry, it can possibly do damage to our nerves as well which could cause muscle twitching and involuntary movement of muscles, especially the arms and facial muscles.
  • Breathing problems
    Depression is reported to cause breathing problems in many patients, and they often end up feeling like they’re not breathing in enough oxygen and there is more gap in consecutive breaths as if their body is forgetting to breathe. It can also cause a feeling of pressure on the chest.
  • Losing immunity
    Depression can literally devastate a patient’s immune system, and make them vulnerable to anything and everything that is going around. That’s why depression patients are found to be sick most of the times.
  • Feeling lifeless
    Some patients with depression reported that they feel like there is less life in them. They feel like they’ve become useless and their body is no more capable of doing other things, and they tend to remain on their couches and bed not doing anything at all, and that doesn’t even bore them.
  • Feeling that you’re alone and lonely
    Most people tend to hide their symptoms of depression and end up feeling as if they’re alone in this condition and going crazy. They also feel that they would become a burden on the people around us by bothering them about all what’s wrong with them. Therefore, they get cut off from people and end up feeling lonely.
  • Upset stomach
    Depression can directly impact our digestive system and upset our stomach. It feels like you’re not able to digest anything that goes in as the digestion becomes weak. This also results in bloating, gas and constipation.
  • Nausea
    As a result of upset digestion, patients with depression can experience nausea and vomiting frequently.
  • Blood pressure fluctuation
    Our mind chemistry alters, which can, in turn, alter our heart rate and our blood pressure. The patient can experience fluctuation in their blood pressure which could cause them to pant or sweat unnecessarily.
  • Dizziness
    Due to all these reasons and changes that it causes to our body, the patient can end up feeling dizzy, cloudy and disoriented.
  • Weak muscles
    It can weaken for muscles for a variety of reasons, including reduced blood flow, reduced oxygen levels, reduced vitality, and reduced activity. The depressed condition of our brain can even cause the patient into thinking that they’ve become weak.
  • Feeling of dying
    Some patients have also reported that they feel like they might die today, or tomorrow, or the next day. That kind of feeling is obviously not healthy and may occur in patients who are suffering from severe conditions.
  • A feeling of a heart attack and actual chest pains
    Due to a pressure on the chest, the patients also feel like they are going to get an actual heart attack. This can also be accompanied by episodes of real chest pains.
  • Fear of getting a life-threatening disease
    Patients may start thinking about death, or their mind can be occupied by the thoughts of getting a life-threatening disease that would kill them in future.
  • Terrible nightmares
    As if the above symptoms were less than a nightmare, the patients can also experience terrible nightmares and wake up several times during their sleep. This can also affect their sleep and rest, which can, in turn, cause more problems to their body. People have reported that they’ve dreamt about being killed, being raped and other such extreme nightmares.
  • Hot and cold rashes
    While this symptom may not be experienced by everyone, some people can experience hot and cold rashes in different parts of their body.
  • Numbness and feeling of needles tingling the entire body
    The patient may feel like their body is going numb, and a feeling of tingling may be experienced as if needles are being pricked all across their bodies.
  • Anxiety, panic, and feeling like you’re going crazy
    Depressed patients may get frequent and regular panic attacks in which they may burst into crying, screaming, begging due to a rushing feeling in the brain, pain and other symptoms of depression. In short, these panic attacks can be severe and the patient may feel like they’re going crazy.
  • Cold feet or hands
    Due to all these changes, fear, emotions and feelings, the patient may find their hands and feet turning cold without any reason.
  • Weak and aching legs
    Serious pain can occur in the legs of people who persistently suffer from depression, and their legs weaken. This could be a secondary impact of depression on our body.
  • Socially isolated
    Patients with depression may start feeling that the world is unreal, and all the problem they are facing may cause them to become completely isolated from the society.
  • Problems with focusing
    Their mental capabilities can severely get impacted, and they can find it very difficult to focus even on their everyday tasks.
  • Difficulty in speaking and forgetting simple words
    It can also cause forgetfulness in some patients. They can find it difficult to speak and may stop while speaking to think of the word they want to speak. They can even find it difficult to recall the names of simple things, like bread. This could be a sign of a very dangerous stage of depression.
  • Overthinking
    They tend to overthink all the time, and that is what catalyzes their problem making it even more severe. Overthinking can get any sane person into mental stress and anxiety, and we all should try to stay away from it.
  • Feeling that the brain isn’t getting enough blood and oxygen
    The patients may feel that they’re not getting enough blood and oxygen up in their brain, and that is exactly what happens. These physiological changes can significantly reduce the oxygen supply in the brain and patients can actually feel it.

It’s important to understand that it is just a sickness, and you’re not going crazy and it’s just your sick mind talking to you. Medication can help a great deal to fix up your hormones and the chemistry of your body, while mental therapy, as well as sessions with your good psychiatrist, can also turn your life around. Just keep in mind that you want to fight this problem no matter what.

Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.


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