Sorry No Vacancy - The Place is Full - [life]

in #life5 years ago


Get Paid to Move

Recently, the President of the United States (POTUS) stated the the country was "full" and had no more room for asylum seeking immigrants, with an undertone implying that even legally applying immigrants were unwelcome. As I processed that statement I had visions of people standing shoulder to shoulder crowded, falling off the edge. I thought, well yeah that is a lot of people, and it's standing room only. Of course that is just my imagination and not reality at all.

The USA comes in third when it comes to population with China and India at number one and two. China and India combined have a little over 1/3 of the World's population, while the USA has about 4%. China has a population of about 1.42 Billion and India 1.27 Billion while the USA has a population of 330 Million people, yet in regards to land mass, the USA and China are nearly equal with Russia and Canada being number one and two in terms of size.

The statement that the country is full doesn't ring true to me when I think about about some of the road trips that I have taken across the Southwest parts of the United States. On those trips I have seen large swaths of open land for miles on end. I have actually taken side roads where I would not see a soul for hours, and then to only see a vehicle heading in the other direction. So in terms of land mass, the United States has plenty of open free space. Granted open space doesn't equate to what most of us are now accustomed to with modern living, but then again all the land that people currently live on has had to be developed and constructed on for modern living standards.

Now having just read this article about the State of Vermont seeking to entice people to move there, I realize that the United States still has plenty of room for people to work and live. The idea that the country is full and has no room for others is pure fantasy when you consider that Vermont is looking to pay qualifying US Citizens as well as foreign immigrants to move there to the tune of some $10,000. There are plenty of other US states like Wyoming and Montana with large areas of land but small populations living there. POTUS' claim that there is no room for immigrants is simply incorrect and actually a bold face lie (of many).

What a person like the POTUS actually wants to say is that the country doesn't want or can't afford the social and monetary costs of having immigrants coming to the United States, and what he really feels is that he only wants immigrants from certain European countries. His actions speak volumes when banning certain muslim immigrants or making asylum more expensive and difficult, while his rhetoric saves face. He won't say the USA "Can't afford" to support or maintain immigrants when the USA is one of the richest countries in the World, so instead he equates the USA to a motel and himself the motel manager when he says "Sorry we are full."



It is a complicated situation taking asylum seekers like Muslims because if you ban them for example they will just get angry and spread more hatred towards the West. Sir @streetstyle
Muslims have a doctrine to terrorize non believers so if they flock a country they just cause a friction into that country. Then the media will flare it up, then other groups of society will join into the fun, politicians that likes exposure will also dip in and then turmoil.

full full...its just how you want to see and realize it

indeed, i think they dont want to spend anymore on people, but that is a totally different thing and 'full' surely aint the right word for it!

Buenos días amigo @streetstyle deseo que se encuentre bien al igual que su familia amigo, exelente información , aquí en Venezuela en las noticias e escuchado de algunos voceros de su gobierno donde decían que los estados unidos no iba a aceptar más inmigrantes porque ese país estaba full . Por la situación del país hace 15 días se fue a trabajar una prima con su esposo a Orlando y ella me dice que me valla a trabajar pero no tengo visa americana . Que tenga un exelente día amigo.

Amigo buen dia,esa situacion de super poblacion la estan viviendo muchos paises,son miles los venezolanos que han emigrado aqui me quedare sola jajajaja,broma,saludos buen amigo,que pase feliz fin de semana,un abrazo

President is strict to no more immigrants before he selected, he is doing his business and had no excuse for the people.

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I think POTUS somehow is scared of things like espionage when there's quite a lot of immigrants but well when it comes to helping people he needn't say this, money is only needed to utilize those spaces and accommodate more people

I think USA now act like Hitler version as fresh citizen of usa, no immigration only our peoples!

Migrations and solutions. Sometimes hard to wrap my head around.

Easy no but not impossible solutions either. People should always come first before money, or political agendas or greed or fear etc.....

This is a keen and insightful analysis. I couldn't agree more with everything you're saying here.... Resteemed.

Trump likes to play the politics of fear as pretty much his only card to play.

Lol, I honestly only read or listen to anything out of his mouth, in regards to politics at least, for comic value. I've pmsl many times reading #donaldtrumptweets 😆

full of idiots like trump maybe

well hopefully not all idiots....hehehehehe

Yeah.. sure... there are still some goodies left

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