in #life6 years ago (edited)

Sincere approach, sincere results and touchful confession...This confession will make You start thinking about Your life now, before and after. You will wish to change...


Hello friends,

I would like to share a piece of information for an invention - Tibetan antenna in the form of bio-chip, which serves as neutralizer of electromagnetic radiation of all electrical appliances, including our favorite and inseparable mobile phones.

This appliance is placed in the pyramid and helps to balance the Earth's magnetic field, which is especially variable in spring and autumn.

This device helps to reduce the magnetic radiation in space magnetic attacks from solar flares, which are very stressful for some people aged or have heart or nervous and mental diseases.
BioPyramid protects an area of ​​7 meters in radius. Put it on the floor under the bed just oriented to the north, because we live in the Northern Hemisphere.


You Can put under your desk also. It all depends on, where you spend most of Your time and do You want to be protected.

You could say that this is the 2nd generationPyramids who we see and use.
On the Bulgarian market for more than 20 years are offered hollow pyramids of various sizes and purposes, made of aluminum, cardboard, wood. On the Market we also Have closed pyramids of plastic, which are filled with quartz sand.

I have all the models and use them. Their disadvantage is that, they can easily be deformed and must be replaced.

This model of BioPyramid, which is recently offered to our market is made of ceramic with a capsule filled with quartz crystals, s LC bio-chip.


Tibetan dish in a larger size is used for bio treatment.

People who already have this product, share positive feedback on this device.
I personally use it for pains in the shoulders and spine, in the back.The pains are reduced, they are not that strong when I sleep with the Plate. The other thing is a sense of serenity and cheerfulness and general toning when I use all these products.

The invention get its first Certificate in 2007 in Germany, and first markets where it was sold were Netherland, Belgium and Luxemburg, New Zealand and Australia.

Have certificates of BION Institute in Slovenia, and specialized laboratories in Germany.

Address and Details about Ms.Emilia's confession known to PXDS



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Hola amiga. Gracias por la información últimamente he tenido dolores de columna. Debe ser por mi trabajo ya que lo hago sentada por lo general

I think it will be better invention for mankind and it's growing civilisation.

Excelente información. Yo padezco de dolores de columna.Esos dolores son fuertes. Uso analgésicos pero lo que más me ha ayudado es tener una actitud positiva ante la vida. Aunque tenga el malestar trato ver la vida de otra manera y dar gracias a Dios por todas las personas bellas que tengo a mi alrededor.

Excellent story very complete and interesting the use of this device

Yes, thank you

excelente, información no sabia que ese tipo de material pudiera ayudar a las personas con malestares de columna. muy interesante gracias

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