Who out here is giving you the game like this? My Steemit Blog list holds all the answers.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago

If you want to change people's lives, you sell them what they want & give them what they need.

You being too proud to market yourself effectively is hurting people (if your info is actually valuable).

Look, I dislike shady marketing as much as you do.

I see it every goddamn day.

But the solution is not to just avoid marketing completely.

Do it better.



It may seems obvious, but what I’ve learned is this:

It’s usually the things you consider common sense which are not commonly known at all.


If you allow others opinions to affect your decisions it’s because you’re not clear in your mission.

•You don’t trust your inner voice.
•You’re skeptical of your opinions.
•You’re not confident in your skin.

Stand for want you believe and people will stand with you.


The calorie deficit is ultimately all that matters when it comes to fat loss.


  1. You want it to be fat loss, not muscle loss, and;
  2. You need it to be sustainable

Some diets simply won't keep you in a deficit for long because you can't stick to them.


You can't abolish all unpleasantness, but you don't want the really rough stuff to slip through.

Outrage over everything is like the boy who cried wolf.

We live in a time that is the result of constant overreaction, so we're too exhausted to act when real shit happens.


The average person doesn't realize how bad a part of town has to be for you to get harassed for wearing the wrong color.

Or being able to freely discharge a firearm with no worry about cops coming.


  • Zero Gratitude
  • Constant Comparisons
  • Never taking Responsibility
  • Valuing 'Happiness' over Character
  • Consistently indulging in Victimhood
  • Worrying about things beyond your control
  • Giving into Fleeting Feelings on every occasion

This is why you're Fucking Miserable


The victim Olympics. These people are actually trying to one-up each other on who's hated more.

Imagine how shitty life must be if this is a game you're even willing to play, let alone try to win.

When you conflate victimhood with virtue, you think being the weakest, most vulnerable, most oppressed or what have you gives you a sense of moral superiority that you can weaponise into manipulating others for self-gain.

In a jungle setting, NOBODY wants to be seen as weak.


Those who can, do.

Those who can and love, do and teach.


Decide what you do for sex and what you don’t.

Otherwise your life will be consumed with efforts toward getting pussy.


Having a sweet tooth biologically was a fantastic survival mechanism that would quite literally save your life....

Millenia ago.

Nowadays, it just makes you obese.


I use the New Year just like everyone else to make big changes in my life.

I stay committed though.

I don't post any of my goals publicly and only a few people know any of them at all.


Make little changes, be patient, and let them accumulate.

This is the fastest way to make an enduring change.

Or get the whole bag up front in one shot. But then it's a lot easier to lose the whole bag as well.


Everyone wants it quick. No one wants it steady. This is why the tactician has to win early.

The strategist will crush them in the long game, every time.


Life is hard for stupid people because they don't know any better, and for smart people because they do.


Between R. Kelly, Cyntoia Brown, and the Texas shooter, today is hard day for race-pimps and race-baiters everywhere.


The goal of dieting is to NOT WANT to keep eating so much throughout the day.

Having sweet stuff as soon as you wake up DIRECTLY conflicts with this.


No matter how much of a misogynist you are, you'll never hate a woman as much as other women do.


Hell knoweth no fury like a crackhead denied crack.


You need three generations to eradicate a thought pattern:

1st to challenge
2nd to integrate
3rd to assimilate


If you're gonna say even remotely controversial shit online, you need to work for yourself or be anon.

The first thing these jackals like to do is go after your way to make a living. The first thing thing these companies want to do is cut you for saying anything off board.


Choose your circle wisely



The best way to help other people is to spend time helping yourself

No matter how well you THINK you're doing, you can do EVEN MORE with:

-More money
-Greater resources
-Better health
-A bigger network

There's a point of diminishing returns, but most never get close to it.


Product: The value you offer
Marketing: How you let people know that you have something valuable to offer
Sales: Getting people to give you money for that value
Networking: A force multiplier, clout, and proof of your value all in one


If you've been smoking pot for 4+ years and you haven't graduated to pills, powders, or needles, you're being lazy.

People get a degree in that time. You can't even improve your drug use habits.

People actually unfollow me for putting out wisdom like this. Too real for em.


If you can't handle my Steemit feed at its most ridiculous, you don't deserve it at its most profound.

I break the timeline up with humor about things I find funny and have always found funny.


If you can:

Defend yourself
Provide for yourself
Learn new things
Make good friends
Get in shape & stay there

You’ll live a better life than 95% of the population


There's no more peaceful time than the alert hours right before dusk.


The older you become, the MORE you need to prioritize physical fitness.

Sadly, this is the opposite of what most people do.


How to Grow a Following

-Provide Value (aka @hustlehacker)

-with unrelenting consistency (be Prolific)

-Be somewhat controversial (Polarizing)

-Be Personal

That works on every single platform. Dont overcomplicate it without trying it first


  1. Be a hot girl, hopefully with great tits and/or a great ass

  2. post an endless stream of sexualized photos of yourself doing entirely normal daily activities and things

  3. Sell literally anything, and people will buy it


A lot of what people call self-sabotage is just incompetence exposed.

It's the Peter Principle on a personal level.


Most of you have an earning problem, not a saving problem.

You shouldn't be worried about saving money on that $15 Netflix subscription.

Instead, start figuring out a way to earn $100 extra this month.

Haters will say you can do both. They likely can't though. Because mindset shifts take time.

But it is absolutely vital. I realized this 6 years ago. It was impossible save me way out of my problems.


“The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.”

These are the fucking virtues that built the world as we know it.

These things can coexist with emotional intelligence. Ignoring and not processing emotions is the issue here for men - not dominance, aggression, stoicism, and definitely not competitiveness.


It's always:

"You're spot-on about everything else, but you're wrong here."

It's never:

"Your thoughts are sharp about everything else, so can you help me understand why you think that?"


Sometimes I forget that my Instagram and Steemit audiences are not the same people.



The internet is simultaneously a big and a small place.

You get infinite chances to fuck up, but do it once and it will follow you everywhere.

Our voluntary digital footprint is way stronger than any mandatory government identification.


Whatever you want to learn, pick just 1 expert and do everything they say.

Mixing & matching is the fastest way to ensure you spin your wheels as a beginner.

Follow a proven system until you get some experience under your belt.


I don’t care how rich or poor that you are.

All that matters is that you show up each day with a smile.

Ready to kill yourself in pursuit of something bigger than you.


Everyone wastes some time

Despite what Steemit has you believe, none of us are 100% efficient 24/7

That's impossible and unnecessary

Just be waste less time than the guy next to you and you'll get ahead


The most powerful "lifehack" I know is this:

Take responsibility for everything. Even for things that seem to "randomly" happen to you.

This changes your thinking and forces you to consider the extent and effect of EVERYTHING you do.

If you can take responsibility for everything but at the time time not take everything personally, then you are really onto something.


Your 'Deep Thoughts’ are holding you back

They’ve become your Worst Enemy

They’re the Cause of your ‘helpless’ Inertia

You take Pride in them, while they keep fucking you over

You;re Blinded by your own perceived ‘Depth’

Turn to Action or soon they'll Drown you


In this Age..As most Men Grow old, they are becoming :

  • Narrower
  • Bitterer
  • Even more Vicious


Never expect Old Age to automatically Confer Wisdom.


Can't sleep.

Just wrote all my blogss for the week.

Time to read @hustlehacker blog again


Shortcuts are faster but the long way has more opportunities to learn.


The same dudes who out here paying for sex really have the balls to say money can't buy happiness


Today's controversial statement was yesterday's common sense.


They don't want change because it means they have to change.

They want something to blame and someone else to change their circumstances


A lot of your problems could be solved with 30 minutes of uninterrupted work.


Sugar is the real powder the government should be worried about.


The beautiful thing about writing:

-It can be a hobby
-It can be therapy
-It can be a tool for learning
-It can be a career


One thing you're gonna have to accept:

Not everyone wants to be "woke". They legitimately enjoy being a slave to the media, consumerism, and manufactured outrage.

If these are your friends, they eventually won't be.


"Your vision can only be as inspiring as the number of people it positively impacts."


Too much dopamine is released when discussing future plans / aspirations with too many people.

Inhibits follow through

Keep that shit to yourself till it’s too real to ignore


No matter what your problem is, the solution is the same. This is because all of your problems have the same thing in common: YOU.

If any part of your life is in shambles, the first place to look for the problem AND the solution is in the mirror.


People care about themselves and how a situation will increase what’s valuable to them.

If you understand that sentence, you’ll never have a problem again.

Nobody gives a shit about you


To be valuable, you must either:

-Educate people on solutions to their problems
-Persuade them to feel better about their problems
-Entertain them in such a way that they forget about them

The value of someone comes down to their ability to do one of those things.


Today, did you do anything to become a better person?
Today, did you do anything to make the world a little better than worse?

If you did, lather, rinse, and repeat.
If you didn't, try harder and be better.


People been living shitty so long that they genuinely can't understand the benefits of getting shit right.


One thing you're gonna have to accept:

Not everyone wants to be "woke". They legitimately enjoy being a slave to the media, consumerism, and manufactured outrage.

If these are your friends, they eventually won't be.


Think about how fucking idiotic the PC culture has made people.

An ACTOR has to defend himself for playing gasp another person which is called, ACTING.

Like what in the actual fuck?




"Rational" is a reasonable action dependent on the available information. "Logical" is an action in support of the desired outcome.

All rational actions are logical, but not all logical actions are rational.


Knowledge is knowing that crack and cocaine are the same thing.

Wisdom is being able to produce the former from the latter.


The Present Moment is THE Most Important Moment of your Life.

It is the only Moment in your Control.

It is the only Moment worth Seizing COMPLETELY.

All Pitiable States belong to other Moments i.e :

  • Complaining
  • Day Dreaming
  • Regretting
  • Worrying



Everyone dislikes weakness.
Some people are show kindness. Some people show pity.

But everyone feels visceral discomfort watching someone fail against the pressures of the world.


The more you understand the true nature of romance, the less romantic you can afford to be.


Imagine if you replaced your weekly alcohol consumption with protein shakes.

Way fuller
Way better sleep
Way more muscle

Food for thought.


People who are busy winning don't have time to get offended.


Almost wrote a counterpoint to something, then I realized I didn't care enough to sustain the argument past the first order


Coffee so black it's almost free at last, free at last, oh thank mighty God, it's almost free at last.


Steemit allows you to form a coterie of extraordinary people who might have never met, even in the post-internet age.

If you have the good sense to offer them value, there is almost no limit to the ways you can improve your life.


People post up their pronouns on their bios like fashion accessories.

The lines between status and virtue signaling are increasingly blurring.


Snark is not a virtue


A person can get addicted to anything. This seems to be part of human nature.

The only difference between the crackhead and the gym-rat is their drug of choice.


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