Palomas de la Libertad

in #life6 years ago


Cuando la caridad se convirte en negocio,
cuando el dar se convierte en un show,
cuando los roedores vuelan, es tiempo de sacar la 12.

En un mar interminable de mentirosos y mediocres,
el probo es el alien, el aceite agua, el perro aguila
y las ratas, palomas de la libertad,
si si, palomas de la libertad dije.



Muy cierto, de la necesidad ajena los buitres hacen fiesta y negocio y merecen ser linchados por eso.

Saludos Joseph, no es nada común ver tus comentarios por aquí ya hasta parece extraño, bueno se que no tendré respuesta así que espero las capitalizaciones estén fluyendo en orden.

Saludos Galberto, no veo lo extraño ni la razón por la cual no te deba responder, todo va bien.

Cierto gracias infinitas por responder.

jajajajaja señor Ya quiero ver su proyecto de ayuda HUMANITARIA, VEO QUE LE GUSTA CRITICAR PERO NO HA HECHO NADA por su comunidad en Venezuela... y otros ya han hecho mucho... Lo unico que veo es que le jalas Bolas a el SAPO DE @walden. //// @joseph1956

excelente publicación que te lo digo yo que por medio de mi fundación he conocido a casi todos los que mencionas @walden

Cuando pequeños hombres con ego herido
agredir sexualmente a niñas
luego pretender ser un héroe
el mundo los ve como un payaso
Karma vino
aquí un pañuelo
bebé llorando

muy bien el español!!! retrasada mental helicopteresca
Teamgoodeame esta pedazo de mongolica ;)

LOL are you mad bro hahahahahaha ...

its all good, in the end, truth prevails ;)

All I hear is your tiny violin

you being fat doesnt make a 7 inch cock tiny, darling

Yawn - NEXT !

P.s you are still to stupid to understand that using copyrighted content even if you link to it is not only illegal but against @steemcleners guidelines. you can only use pictures with redistribution rights unless you are using it in altered form in educational content and even then the original owner can contest you ... Laughable wannabe ...

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

and no, you are wrong, the use of others images is only forbidden if it is used in an artistic tag,
get a fucking clue, fucktard, cleaners dont do copyright, when is that gonna get into the little tiny thing you call head?

Says the guy who can't create anything above one sentence of original content, Lulz -and even if I wanted to , which I don't cause I don't fuck stupid, it's so small that there really isn't anything to suck. One strong lick and that thing is history ...hahahahahahaha

It has nothing to do with your imaginary cleaner status kiddo it has to do with the law. i studied it you did not. As is you seem to dense to understand that I think I might contact the owners of the picture and see what they think ... as you are using their content on a for profit site ..ouch ^_^

P.s you are in such deep shit he even makes it clear that it is not to be redistributed ... making a screen shot of your post and sending it to him ! Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 22.25.42.png

do I give a fuck? NO, I told you, cleaners dont do copyright law, imbecile bitch.
Fuck copyright law.


Na, Im good, but I bet mommy will make it all feel better go ask her for a nice warm bath you know you want to :D

whatever stupid fuck

womp womp widdle Walden has his feels hurt ^^ now let's try to be more creative I know you must have more than third grade slights in you ...try a bit harder ...I am losing interest for today ^^ better luck tomorrow ...and watch out with all that repressed anger you could have a stroke and loose even more brain cells ;) - Tata for now ...

shhhhhhh retarded helo shhhhh

Excellent Publication @walden


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