The most mysterious castles of the world

in #like5 years ago

A heroic medieval knight, a beautiful princess or just a legend - castles capture our hearts and captivate the imagination. We are eager to explore their narrow corridors, climb the barely lit staircases and look into the distance from their tall stone towers. And if the past of the castle is connected with defeated enemies, forgotten prisoners and evil spirits ... well ... so much the better.

Bran Castle in Transylvania

Bran Castle in Transylvania history, mystic

Despite the fact that this 14th century fortress has something in common with the legends of Dracula, Bran Castle managed to get the name of “Dracula’s Castle” and all the corresponding monetary profits.
They say that Bran Castle was once the abode of Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad Kolosazhatel, he really liked to stick the enemy on the stake. Today, the castle is a museum displaying furniture and objects of art collected by the royal family.
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland history, mysticism

These majestic towers, towering over the Gardens of the Princess, are located in the most terrible European city with ghosts ...
The 900-year-old fortress was built on the remains of an ancient volcano and is the home of the world's most mysterious ghosts.
While some visitors claim to hear monotonous drumming, several people have seen the drummer himself, who is said to be beheaded, and he is only before attacking the castle.
They say that the ghost of a dog wanders around the castle cemetery, and something strange is happening in the towers.
Tamworth Castle in Staffordshire, England

Tamworth Castle in Staffordshire, England history, mysticism

Although fictional vampires never lived in the English Tamuerta Castle in Staffordshire, the Norman design of the courtyard and foretold obviously something unkind stone tower betray that same creepy factor. And yes, there are still leads there.
The most famous inhabitants of Tamuerta Castle are the Black Lady and the White Lady, both of which can be regularly heard or seen in the vicinity. They say that the White Lady fell from the battlement when she learned that her lover had been killed. And the Black Lady, in all likelihood, is the spirit of a nun named Edith, who was summoned from her grave by the unkind prayers of other nuns after they were expelled from a nearby monastery.
Berry Pumroy Castle in Devon, England

Berry Pumroy Castle in Devon, England history, mysticism

There are many legends associated with this castle, and according to Heritage English guide, he "is considered to be one of the most famous haunted castles in the UK." In the castle live, as they say, two ghosts of women: the White Lady and the Blue Lady. Blue Lady, calling for help to the passers-by, luring them into his tower. If they go to her, they will surely find their death. It is believed that she was the daughter of the Lord of Normans and, as they say, wanders among the basements, mourning the loss of her child, whom she herself had killed, because she had given birth to her from her own father. White Lady, they say, is considered the spirit of Margaret Pomeroy. Experts say that she, being imprisoned by her sister, Elinor, who was jealous of her beauty, still wanders through the dungeon corridors.
Castle Bodelvidean in Wales

Castle Bodelvidan in Wales history, mysticism

It is believed that there are ghosts in the castle, including soldiers, who live in one of the galleries. Sir John Hay Williams recorded in 1829 that during the reconstruction period, human bones were found near one of the chimneys. The bones are immured back into the wall, and there they remain. The castle took part in the filming of two popular television shows, 'Most Haunted' and 'Ghost Hunters International'.
Dunlus Castle in Northern Ireland

Dunlus Castle in Northern Ireland history, mysticism

In 1586, royal civil strife began because of the castle and ended with the hanging of the constable of the former castle. His ghostly figure in a purple raincoat and with a tail on his head wanders through the tower of Castle Danluse, where he, in fact, was killed.
In 1639, the castle's kitchen collapsed into the sea, taking several servants to the grave. Today, visitors experience cold chills in some parts of the castle, and employees of the gift shop notice that sometimes someone shifts books and plays around with the radio.
Despite the fact that no one felt the evil intentions of these all ghosts, the thought of cheerful people returning to diversify your stay, already causes goosebumps.
Chillingham Castle, United Kingdom

Chillingham Castle, UK history, mystic

Chillingham's most famous ghost is the Blue (or radiant) boy. They say that at night in the "Pink Room" of the castle there are loud cries and a blue glow appears over the bed or a boy dressed in blue clothes.
In Chillingham, you can visit the fully equipped torture room. There, according to eyewitnesses, there is the spirit of the Executor John Sage, the former owner of the castle. In a fit of passion, he strangled his mistress Elizabeth Charlton. Elizabeth’s father threatened Edward I the Long-Legged, that he would ally with the Scots and revolt if the murderer was not punished. As a result, on the orders of the King, the Torturer Sage was executed on the castle grounds.
Another famous ghost is the spirit of Lady Mary Berkeley, who, it is said, often emerges from her portrait in the Gray Room. According to legend, Lady Mary’s husband went to her sister, leaving his wife to suffer alone in the castle.
Dragskholm Castle, Denmark

Dragsholm Castle, Denmark history, mystic

There are many otherworldly creatures in Danish castles, but the most populous of them is, of course, Dragsholm, where, according to the most conservative estimates, there are about a hundred ghosts (thanks to which, by the way, this not very interesting fortress has become one of the most visited in the world) . The number of ghosts increased century from century: the castle was both the episcopal palace, and the fortress, and the prison. Among the famous "inhabitants" who were stuck on the border between the worlds, the white lady, whom her own father had walled up on the wall for communication with a commoner, and the spirit of a certain count, who died imprisoned and has since frightened visitors with horse neighing.
Warwick Castle, UK

Warwick Castle, UK history, mystic

Warwick Castle, which appeared in 1068, was also destined to witness a huge number of battles (it is believed that not one of the European fortresses can boast such a history saturated with bloody battles). The defeated enemies were tortured in the dungeons, and therefore still people in the casemates feel dizzy and nauseous. From ghosts to tourists, most often is the ghost of one of the owners of the estate - Sir Fulka Gravilla: in cold evenings he comes out of his own portrait and wanders around the castle, terrorizing the living.
Castle Eltz, Germany

Castle Eltz, Germany history, mysticism

The picturesque Eltz castle in the German state of Reinald-Palatinate was built in 1157, and since then they have always belonged to one single family. Now 33rd generation owns Eltz! Tourists to these places are attracted by both chic (according to some - the richest in all of Germany) interiors and ghosts. According to legend, this castle was never captured or destroyed, because in addition to living defenders it is guarded by the ghosts of medieval knights - the ancestors of the current owners of the estate.
Castle Moosham, Austria

Moosham Castle, Austria history, mystic

About the castle built by the Salzburg bishop in 1208, an ominous glory goes: hundreds of witches and sorcerers were beheaded within its walls, and their spirits have not yet left Moosham. Therefore, do not be surprised if, considering medieval rooms, you will constantly feel someone's touch, hear strange sounds or even see something inexplicable. And yet another time the castle was the residence of a werewolf — otherwise how could the disfigured corpses of cattle and wild deer found in its walls be found?
Chateau Brissac, France

Chateau Brissac, France history, mystic

Brissac is the highest of the Loire castles. It appeared in the 11th century, but was constantly added: now in the chateau there are 203 rooms - there is a place for both people and ghosts. In the nights ardent moans are heard in the castle: the noble family of Jacques de Brize once lived in Brissac. But once the sound of love reached her husband. He decided to find out who publishes them, and found Charlotte’s wife with another. Since then, lovers have disappeared without a trace, the unhappy husband was forced to sell the castle, but for several centuries a couple of lovers have been disturbing the peace of the new owners and reminding themselves of themselves with loud passionate shouts.
Bardi Castle, Italy

Bardi Castle, Italy history, mysticism

60 kilometers from the city of Parma on the cliff of red jasper towers the ancient castle of Bardi. It was erected in 900 not far from the crossroads of busy roads to defend against the raids of the Hungarians. Gradually, the restructuring led to the citadel becoming a rich palace with an extensive library and a large collection of weapons. Now the castle is filled with tourists, they are attracted by a romantic legend: the beautiful Soleste was in love with the captain of the knights Moroello. She spent her days at the castle tower, awaiting the return of her contender. But once on the horizon, an army appeared adorned with the colors of the enemy. Soleste hurried to jump down, never knowing that Moroello had won and ordered his subordinates to put on the attributes of their enemies solely for the sake of boasting. Having learned that he, in fact, killed the beloved, the captain also dropped from the cliff, but his restless spirit still wanders through the castle.

Castle Housk, Czech Republic

Castle Housk, Czech Republic history, mystic

Houska Castle is located in the deep forests in the north of the country, and it still brings fear to the locals. By the way, not far from Prague, some 50 kilometers! The castle was built in the 13th century for very strange reasons, because it was not built to defend against enemies and not as a home for a wealthy family. This lock closes the gate to hell! According to the legend, on the place where the castle stands, there is a direct path into the abyss, from where demons, witches and other vermin came into our world. All this devilry fed up with the ruler, who decided to seal the entrance to hell, having built a strong lock on this place. In the early 1930s, the Nazis conducted their occult experiments here. The most frequently encountered ghosts in this castle are the black horse without heads and the man-bulldog. From the window of the upper floor constantly shows a woman in a black dress. Only the most courageous tourists descend into the dungeons of this castle, because there are still demons roaming there who have come to us from the other world.


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