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RE: Reinstalling Arch Linux

in #linux6 years ago

When it runs out of RAM, things are horrible. You won't like it.

Swap space?

It is worth noting that the entire thing will be significantly easier if you have two devices (one as the computer installing Arch, another one will be something for you to read the guide).

Or running on a VM and utilizing host machine for reference guide ;)

Installing Arch is a little interesting because you are guaranteed to have the latest packages no matter what - the installation ISO grabs everything off the web the moment you run the installation command.

That is pretty amazing :)

Arch Linux is one of my upcoming projects on a VM. It should be tons of fun considering I haven't used Linux much at all lately, so I am extremely rusty. I really believe this is a good way to get accustomed to using Linux. At least in the sense that you have no choice but to familiarize yourself with using the terminal, as opposed to GUI.


Here's a fun fact, swap space won't make things faster, it just makes things a little more stable - servers usually have a ton of swap space and are configured to use them frequently so that they won't crash when they run out of memory. For normal usage, we don't really like swap, it's a thousand times slower than your RAM. So when your computer has no choice but to use swap, the slowdown will be so significant and things will start to crash and burn. A workaround is to tell Linux that you want to use the swap frequently so that you won't really crash or hang upon running out of RAM, but the overall performance impact will still be quite huge. If you have a SSD, that would be slightly faster but of course it will wear out the disk...the world is not perfect :)

Yea I can tell that it is going to be some fun for you to play with Linux again, this thing never gets old. You have a billion ways to customize it, and of course billions of ways to mess it up too. The insanity never stops.

Yea I can tell that it is going to be some fun for you to play with Linux again, this thing never gets old. You have a billion ways to customize it, and of course billions of ways to mess it up too. The insanity never stops.

So true @lilacse, and another aspect I love about tinkering with VM's is the fact that you can make clones, completely mess shit up, then just refer back to the clone as a starting point. Such fun!!! haha

Just saying, you can mess up your host OS from a guest OS :) There's a way for that. Happy researching :P

Using Virtualbox? I didn't know this!

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