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RE: The Meek Should Inherit the Earth

in #love6 years ago

there are 2 sides on this coin.

lets try to catch this little white rabbit....

Money is a great tool to exchange goods while giving us time to select the goods we need.

But the other side is that money creates greed. But that is created by the devaluation. Value Added TAX. A virtual atrificial added FAKE value to something.

TAX makes goods less valueable. It's merely a simple way to enable corrupt people to take away our power.

20% of all your work is simply TAKEN by the government. Andthat value is taken AWAY form you.

They name it ADDED value, but in fact it lowers YOUR PERSONAL VALUE.

The one who takes that value FROM THE ENTIRE POPULATION gets 20% of EVERY transaction. And it is THOSE people who know ways to AVOID to pay THEIR taxes.

SO they take 20% and refuse to pay their 20%

Eventhough they spend many times more money then us.

They are rich and on to of grabbing our money they save 20% on their spendings by NOT paying THEIR taxes.

Money as a means of trading would be fine WITHOUT tax. then the value is preserved.

The 20% fake devaluation becomes an ever bigger problem the more money there is created.

There is a lot wrong with what Carl Marx once wrote, but he seems to be right on this subject. This is unsustainable. Resources eventually run out, and then there is no longer a means to make more money.

Oil, metals, chemicals. at some point recycling is the only option.
Then TAX is no longer an option AT ALL.

In other words:

Politicians (the people that are payed with TAX) are unsustainable.
Yet a huge percentage of the population 'works' in the government.

We need LESS people in government, and more REAL jobs.

But many people who work IN government don't have the knowledge to do real jobs.

Don't get me wrong, i think we need some people to delegate resources.

just WAY less, and they should not be corrupt. That corruption is even less sustainable.

and it is EVERYWHERE.

In every cityhall of even the smallest communities the corruption is visible.

Everyone seems to know the ones who can make deals that can go over a little side track.

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