Challenging Love to Be Unconditional - Part 10

in #love5 years ago

Relationship Reality

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Things did eventually find their flow with his family again.  

His siblings were always basically accepting of me, and if they weren’t, I never sensed it to any depth.  They were as cool as always, and we continued to be around each other without tension though sometimes I could tell that they didn’t know whether to treat me as one of the kids and invite me into their world, or as one of the adults and leave me to be with their parents. Often I was torn between those two worlds too.  Though I loved Quinn’s mom and enjoyed our time together, Quinn’s world was more real (as I had come to find out), and I felt more alive simply being in his presence.

Quinn’s dad and I never spoke a single word about Quinn’s and my relationship, so though it was a little weird with him at first, he just seemed to go with it and didn’t make a deal about it.  Quinn, his mom and I had a lot in common, especially our love for creating amazing food and exploring artist expression. We played games together, shared many holidays - including my kids, did some family travel, and helped her some with the conference. Having a focus helped to keep the attention off of Quinn's and my intensifying relationship, and on to things more superficial in nature.

I began to realize how shallow my relationships were wrapped up in so much unwitting pretense.  It was easy to enjoy for the sake of the moment, though it hindered going deep to discover what true value or dysfunctions lie beneath the surface.  I was cracking open in many ways as Quinn showed me that I was safe.  And yet I still had so far to go to break through the discomfort of experiencing my own life.  Quinn was an incredible example for me, as even when there was so much judgment around us, he never wavered.  I realized that the judgment I was feeling from others reflected some of the judgment I had on myself.  Not that I felt I was doing anything wrong, but I had questioned whether or not I was worthy of such a blessing.

Stay Tuned for Part 11


That was an awesome suite. First one I Ever wore and it was like 30 years old at that point.
I never talked to my dad about anything but sports.

OMG!! Such hotness! You wore that 30 year old suit like a pro!

At least you and your dad could speak the sports language. Some communication may have been better than no communication at all. I love how you're open to whatever is.

I always love romantic stories

Giving you one more important one to love!

I'm still trying to figure out how you were able to relate with Quinn's parents and siblings without causing controversy. You guys really handled the situation with lots of maturity.

I'm not stopping until I see the conclusion of the story. It's just keep getting better.

Glad you're going to stick with it and I hope it holds your intrigue. Keeps getting better as does my life!

Was quite the journey finding balance with each other. It was a bit like a whirl wind as we were all basically caught off guard. Such a surprise to find myself in that position.

Love is always like that. One reason love is enough to keep believing. No matter how odd it looks, you won't see anything rather than that one thing you love.

It can be intoxicating, but oh so delicious. Love love love love.....YES!

It taste better when serve fresh without diluting it... Smiles

💗 💗 💗 YESSSSSSS! 💗 💗 💗

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