Mothers Supporting Mothers

in #love6 years ago

I count myself extremely blessed. I am a mother, I have a mother, I share motherhood with other mothers. As women we tend to be hard on each other; we are quick to judge, too eager to enforce advice and we are often prone to talk more than we listen. Today was different, today I was the one learning the lesson, today I embraced Motherhood for what it truly is. Mother’s Day was not only about me being treated by my son, it was about supporting and empowering my fellow mothers as we connected and appreciated each other.

Today I was a privileged member of a Mother’s Day Connect team. A few of you might have read a post I submitted a few weeks ago which discussed this wonderful initiative. You can find this post HERE. The concept of Mother’s Day Connect is to help new moms with the very overwhelming task of welcoming a newborn into the world. This morning I joined 22 other women at one of our local maternity wards. We visited mothers who had given birth and who were in labour. We chatted to them, we offered support and we gifted them with bags filled with essentials and treats for mother and baby.

Images from Mother's Day Connect

While some might say that these new moms were blessed, so too were my team of wonderful women. We are blessed in that we have the ability to work together to not only raise funds for such a project, but that we, as strangers, support and appreciate each other without knowing each other very well. We were all mothers, and that’s all we needed to know to form an instant friendship and understanding. 

Moms, the best gift we can give our children is to set an example of love, compassion and support. Put away judgement – every mother has the best advice for their own children. Open your hearts to mom’s in need. Reach out to those who are having a hard time wrapping their heads around motherhood. Give to those who have less than you.

Teams of women joined forces to visit government hospitals and bless less privileged new mothers around South Africa today. Together, we believe that no mother should feel lonely or scared or powerless and that as fellow women, it is our role to connect with each other and support each other in our journeys through motherhood. 

My team managed to raise R45 000 worth of goods, which was handed out to 60 mothers, nurses and doctors this morning. I am one proud mama!

SHOUT OUT! In my previous post I made a plea for donations towards this cause. May fellow Steemians resteemed and upvoted this post (THANK YOU)! One very special lady sent a cash donation, which was used towards purchasing sanitary pads for the new mommies, this lady is from my @steemitbloggers family as well as a proud member of @teamsouthafrica – thank you @jusipassetti for your kindness and for being part of our team.

To all the moms, mommies to be and mother’s who once were – thank you for all that you do and have done to care for the generations who I hope will make this world a better place xxx

Much love - @sweetpea

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Animation By @zord189


I love your initiative that you are part of. I know that I found it overwhelming when I became a new mother.

Ah I hope you got some support from loved one at least! Some of the new moms were in tears and simply needed someone to sit with them and understand. It was a very humbling experience!

It's a beautiful job to be a mother. Congratulations on your day. And it's good that there are support communities to generate more love.

Yes, it was amazing to see how many mothers took part in this initiative, there are still very many caring and loving people in this world!

Wow, that is wonderful that you managed to raise so much! Just look what can be achieved if people work together.

Yup, we are just a bunch of ordinary ladies that made the extraordinary happen with our teamwork :)

The power of motherhood! Mothers helping mothers! Kudos to your group for raising the money and providing the visits and gifts.

Thanks, it was an amazing experience, can't wait to participate again next year!

What a great initiative!! You are awesome for doing this. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Thanks @uniwhisp, it was quite a humbling experience! :)

Thanks an incredible way to spend mother's day. How was your day as in from the kids perspective?

It was a wonderful day, my kid spoilt me with a lovely hand mad hand lotion! I am one very lucky mom, thanks for asking!

Yes you're and hopefully is every other Mother on the Planet. Have a great day ahead.

What you do is very important. Not everyone is ready to give his time to some stranger. Thank you for your care, this is a very good work!

Kind of you to say @amalinavia :) I felt so guilty leaving my son on Mother's Day for the two hours I spent taking part in this, but if I can set an example of compassion, I am sure I am still doing a good "mom thing".

Showing love is the best gift of humanity

Very true :)

Amazing stuff. It always makes my heart so happy when people work together to help others out. I'm sure there were lots of smiles and tears all round. Amazing initiative and I'm so happy that you managed to raise so much support. I'm sure these mothers will never forget this.

Thanks @jusipassetti, I will surely not forget the day, some of the mothers couldn't stop smiling, other mothers were in tears. The new mom I spoke to had given birth at 5 months, her baby weighed 600 grams! I can only pray that mother and daughter are still doing well!

I'm sure you won't. So very sad about the tiny premature newborn, very sad when it happens like that.

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