
Hello @jomeszaros

You requested your Magic Dice details.

You were referred to Magic Dice by maikuraki and have 0 referrals.
You are currently delegating 699.9999902928769 Steem Power.

You have placed 443 bets with a 84.2% win rate.

You have wagered 21,661.115000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.
You have won 21,531.912000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.
Your profit is -129.203000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.

You received 0.000000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD in referral bonuses.
You received 1.284647 STEEM and 0.011564 SBD in dividends.

You have acquired 548,964.448377 Magic Tokens.
Your spent per 1M Magic Tokens: 235.358000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.29
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 68297.87
ETH 3746.45
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.67