It Is Not By Force VI, Contributed By @Olawalium.

in #marriage5 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5


Marriage is not something you should dread going into. It should be something you will go into with happiness, and excitement. A friend I have known since University days which I only talk to once in a while, saw me use a lady’s picture on my status and said; ”When the little cuff; ring enters your hand, you won’t be using pictures like this anymore.” I gave it back to him and told him I am not having little cuff on my finger because marriage is not a burden to me. Maybe it was a burden to him and he feels he has his freedom cut out for him and he is trying to relay that to me to get me uptight but he has forgotten he picked the wrong candidate.

Marriage is never with its up and down, don’t get me wrong, but I choose not to go into it with negative mindset. This daily life is full of ups and downs too; I choose not to add marriage; which I want to be a safe haven, to it.


Sex in marriage shouldn’t be a command and control issue in marriage. I understand too that some people use it as a weapon to punish their spouse, and on the flip side, it should never be with a military mindset too. Both parties should be excited and happy about it, and it shouldn’t be an obligatory role. A home ought to be full of love and affection, and that ought to be the default mode for any relationship or marriage. Who came up with the idea that women have to be the one to endure everything in marriage? Relationship is a two way street and sacrifices should be too. You can’t be stripping the other partner off and expect him or her to be excited about it. The other person has feelings, flesh and blood just like you, so why would you desire just a sexual appliance?

So, when you want to go into marriage, please go into it with your head and heart and perhaps you are already in marriage already, try to balance things; be considerate. It is not a military regime, it is a marriage; commitment to love each other. And for that lady, I would advise her to let that man go, so she can seek the person that would love her and appreciate her.


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Its just obviously what the man want is sex which is selfish of him and that's not marriage. Sex is like a game you both wish to play together, not one mind and not a force game

@communitycoin sir!
Those who do not understand their responsibilities, the word of marriage or family is not for them. The word marriage is the name of trust and dedication. There was no faith in you inside the familiar woman of the university, who had said that after wearing a ring, you should not have a picture of a woman. Marriage is a sacred relation. There is no compromise or burden. If there are two opposite sexes that emotion and thoughts are not being met by one another, then there should not be a relationship there. Such relationships are not very durable.Marriage is not for the sake of physical pleasure, but it is the bond of two souls. Enthusiasm should be equal towards bothe sides.. Select the life partner for marriage, who can understand your sadness, your feelings, your goodness, and wholeheartedly devoted to you.regards

Ups and downs are the part of life but we should not be disappointed.
I agree on that the sex should not be used as a weapon against spouse.i hate these type of persons who used sex as a weapon. Great piece @olawalium

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Yes, i have seen and heard cases where spouse use sex as a weapon to punish the partner for a crime or offense. It is really sad.

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