Hackers or Mom's gone...

in #me16 days ago

I am so Happy I could s___!

My Mom calls me a few days ago and wants all my information. She says she will give me a car. Then my brother calls and wants all my information too.

Now that the commercial that says,"A person becomes the victim of identity theft every three seconds.", has been upgraded to hacked 3.0:

"1 in four consumers has had their identity stolen in the last year."

I as went to meet my Mom and she was not there I was totally like, OH NO!

But then after about an hour she showed up. She was driving a four wheel drive Ford Escape.

I didn't see any

Evil Light Towers of Drought

Could it be that the removal of continual curses by Jesus's younger brother is over?

Just like God said?

Got a fourwheeler. Got a creek in the driveway.

After that one been pollinating plum flowers, there must a been a thousand bees on the plum trees on day 2.

And Day three.

I think I'll get off the keester and a dump buckets of water on the short plum trees while the getting is good.

Now as you know, in the name of the Lord, I prophesied the Dry Lake Sevier would fill up. One does believe the Most High and Holy Cloud Upon the Mountain, The Dew in the Desert is working on it.

Yessiree Bob.

Now I know about how several religions have texts that say, "He will raise no more prophets," or some such thing.

For those who believe someone burning in hell who changed the text was right:

Have fun with it. Here's your crowbar.

A unique photographic composition by me.
My brother, his house is surrounded by sandbags. He has a seven acre vineyard.

Lovely grapes. Reminds me of Salt Lake City in 1983 or 1984. Whenever it was. Folks were boating and fishing on Redwood road in the front yard from Salt Lake south. Why we waded through the water from the new boundary of Utah Lake to the roof of the hydroelectric plant and fished during that flood.

I don't think it'll be that bad this time.

Then again, I have written how bad hackers affected the people of the world since way back when I was using D3DRM.

Looks like I was ahead of the curve for about a quarter of a century.

Since they got rid a coal, there isn't a big pile of ash to jump in and then cover yourself with sack cloth. Fortunately, I saved a garbage can full for myself for later on just in case. How 'bout you?

Now let's see. In other news, I was looking at my marble maze models made more or less from the original DirectX 11. When I realized, like moron I had placed each individual part in it's own separate matrix.
Like totally duh!

You get old. You get brain dead. It's the way life is.

I was like I know I created a std::mbsrtowcs change to mbstowcs_s function somewhere in this program and so I asked the AI how to do mbstowcs_s and it printed out an example. Then after I was done with it I was scrolling through the program and crap, there was the easy to use online function to change the char* to wchar_t pointers.

I was like. Hmmm.

So my Mom paid for the registration of the vehicle too and I said to the clerk at the DMV during the process, "I have a two hundred IQ and I recited my address and phone number, my driver's number from more than thirty years when I was eighteen then finished with, "Now if only I could remember my name."

Then I was driving the car back from Las Vegas and I was getting gas and my card was rejected, there was a line at both registers and I almost stepped in front of a young couple in front of the other cash register. They said, go ahead over and over again and I replied, "I just take up space on the Earth, people who actually something out to go first."

The husband said thanks.

That was after I walked into the women's bathroom by accident and while I was peeing, I asked myself out loud, "Why do they have the toilets one room and the urinals in the other?"

Then when I left, the stall women were coming out of the other stalls, and there were only women at the sink,

"I apologize, I had no idea I was in the women's bathroom.

Oh well, you get twenty years older than me, you hand out free cars.

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