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RE: Tangible Tuesday

in #microfiction5 years ago

~Uw-peckin'-wU~ Thanks for reading, complimenting, commenting, ... , analyzing it and making this comment!~

[Melts away with your great analysis of the opening stanza happy]

The great question that not even the original storyteller knows the answer to, what is known is the nature around grew beautiful thanks to Narcissus. Indeed, it does seem silly Narcissus is treated as a cautionary tale and not equally a story of transcendance or following one's passion with non-a-regret that one's legacy lives on forever. And I agree that self-value is seen that, but I call individualist societies (which there are none, just societies that benefits from atomizing people) hypocritical if they do sincerely believe that. But ahhhhhh!!!!~ <<<<3333

Caught yah on that Lord Byron part, really wanted to see if school's taught yah right by showing his poems. Glad yah know a great wealth of him and understod my referencing there~ And indeed, his love did ran wild when his pen couldn't.


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