Common Green Shieldbug - Palomena prasina

Certainly trying to go unnoticed, this shield bug was hiding in the greenhouse on an oak leaf a couple of days ago.

Further attempts at taking more photos were futile in the evening lighting so I gave up...

I have seen this sort of insect before, but the most striking encounter was last year (on 8 July to be precise) when I discovered this behind a leaf :

The picture above may be a sloe shield bug, according to this guide page. The hatchlings seem to be in their 1st instar nymph stage.

The photo I took of the green shield bug is probably also from a 'developing' shield bug following one of those instar stages, eg the 4th instar nymph.

What's in a name ? is this relevant? I have heard of that before. I find relevance is subjective. What is relevant to me may be completely irrelevant to the rest of the world. We are all unique and, hopefully, curious. So some days I will be making things while other days I will just show photos, but when I do I will share what I naturally try to do all the time : understand and learn a bit. 'Sapere aude' has been my motto since I learnt what it meant and before I could buy the hoodie or get the tattoo (which I wont' anyways).

I find visiting the world of science rather overwhelming. If I can't explain something afterwards, can I actually understand it ?

I personally find it important to recognise possible threats to our crops. I also appreciate the wealth of wildlife around me and hopefully, I can look after what there is there because what may be annoying to us or not, may well have a very important natural function.

photos by @cryptocariad


tiny nymphs are kind of creepy. then kind of cool :) details and marking are interesting.

a bit like 'mini masks' @steven-patrick 😁

The shield bug's body does look like a tortoise's shell doesn't it? It looks pretty cute but the nymph stage photo gave me goosebumps 😖

:D sorry about the goosebumps @marblely... Imagine how I went when I turned that leaf over :D ... Luckily it was already inside the house so I took the photo on my usual setting : top of the freezer (nice blank background)... I then put them outside in the garden... They 'were babies' !!
Seriously I thought they looked really pretty like beads... and, yes, the green one is very similar to a tortoise's shell - though it reminded me of an ocarina !

O dear, I am still having goosebumps! I can't imagine how you did it 😱(Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts 😂)

Seriously I thought they looked really pretty like beads

You know what, they do (if I didn't know they were insects). I think I prefer to see them solo 😵

:D they were quite slow moving @marblely... but I get what you mean. I don't do that sort of thing with wasps for instance :D

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