Youtube Monetization Bans Are Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

in #money3 years ago

What Youtube isn't telling you is that for a long time they are also have been editing your uploaded videos sometime after you've uploaded them.

Removing bits that they don't like and pasting in video from other places at the end, to keep the correct time length, but some of the videos have been duplicated and some bits are missing.

Just check your old videos if you are on really controversial issues (corruption).

Youtube will probably tell you that they are the result of file corruption errors but that is a cover story, they are using speech recognition to edit the videos.

So this comes on top of the pathetic view count stat adjustments for alternative videos that everybody knows after completely FRAUDULENT. Apart from taking away views from content they don't like, they also have been stacking the deck on popular videos only to claim more ad money from the big wallet media corporations.

You can easily recognize blatant view count stat fraud on Youtube, you'll notice that some videos get rounded off view stats, like rounded off to the hundreds to keep them from going viral.

And then there was the deleting videos and accounts on ludicrous copyright claims, that no small user can ever hope to fight alone and only big media corporations can manage to move Youtube to undo their unjust removals.

And let's just not mention that when you use controversial words, but not typical common decency violating words mind you, but let's call them inconvenient words, your video will probably not even upload.

Youtube, something smells rotten and it really is your tube and we can smell it everywhere around the world.

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