Unspoken Joys Of Working and Home OwnershipsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money6 years ago (edited)

crazy.jpgI am getting close to retirement and would like to share some thoughts I have on the Wonderful World Of Working for a living ...
One of the first things that comes to mind is the joy I felt when spending a day working with someone you share no common interest with and in fact you may disagree with them on just about everything and would rather slam your dick in a car door than spend a single minute with them ...And you get to do this for years not just a day ..I would almost consider this a form of mental torture. Then there is the joy of never being able to travel far from where you work and live as you have to get back every morning for the job.. Kind of like a leash keeping you within about 50 miles of the work place....
I have also wondered why I ever bought a house as I only ever had time to sleep there so my actual waking hours in the house relaxing where well cant think of when that moment was.. Unless exhausted passing out in front of the TV after a long work day counts ...
While we are on the house topic I have just sold my house after 25 years ... After paying interest taxes repairs capital gains the Realtor and legal fees ..I am still way in the hole even though the price of the property tripled lmao .... And lets not forget on your days off all the fun things to fix and repair... The Death Pledge you signed better known in French as your Mortgage will consume almost all the waking hours of your life to pay off that's if you ever pay it off most don't. And lets not forget the couple times I was laid off and came close to losing it all ..yup if that happens you lose big ... you could be 20 years in on paying and one bad year will wipe out 20 years of work ... Big risk with little to no return...
I think if I knew then what I know now I would have wandered off into the bush and built a log cabin in the mountains and planted a garden and stayed away from civilization... lol ...... Well retirement is looking brighter ... I am going sailing and have given up on this insanity that all seem to be embracing without a second thought... Well I will leave you with the old adage ...Look Before You Leap....... You only have one life with limited hours ..spend them wisely and don't give them all away at once .... Its a long haul once you have spent all the hours you have been allotted in life .... Think of credit and money as hours of your life you might look upon it differently ...


I wish you all the best and a very happy time with your boat. And thank you for that valuable life advice. Unless I can pay for a house in one sum not using a lousy credit, I will not buy one.

well there is always hope people will stand together someday and decide there is a better way to live ...

Enjoyed the read. Glad that you moved on and sailing sounds nice. I just became self-employed and am learning how to make money online from home. There's a lot of learning that comes with it. Time is money, no doubt. Lately I've been asking myself what I would do if I money wasn't an issue. I think people spend way too much energy in the market place. Out of necessity of course, but it doesn't interest me inherently, only as a problem to be solved(make money to afford food and shelter).

How did you achieve your retirement?

Morning ...glad you enjoyed my little rant lol ..As for pulling off retirement I have been working on this for many years. I bought the boat many years ago during a couple good years and have been waiting for the day ...
Well the day has arrived ..House is sold boat is paid for I have moved on board and can now bank every penny I make for the next year .. Collect my pension and set sail.. with no monthly bills ..solar power sails and sunny days to chase is the plan ... And what a difference it has made living onboard the last year ..Its the first time in my life I have felt free ...

Congrats and good luck to you.

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