Silhouettes of Wuerzburg on MonochromeMonday

in #monochromemonday7 years ago (edited)

This is my contribution to #MonochromeMonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos. Thank you for this!

These photos show some of the famous sites of my hometown Wuerzburg - all of them in the special light of a late afternoon or early evening. Enjoy and feel inspired to come and visit another day...

All of the photography is originalwork and my own content. The photos are taken with my Nicon COOLPIX S9600.

View from inside the garden of the Residence of the Prince-Bishop. You see the silhouettes of the elaborate iron gate, some statues in front of the residence and the towers of the cathedral.

Snowdrops somewhere in the Ringpark, a park in the shape of a half circle around the old town connecting one bridge over the river with a second bridge. You can see the green band on this photo.

On the way from the Residence to the Cathedral under a beautiful moon.

Neumünster next to the Wuerzburg Cathedral.

Girls drinking wine on the Old Mainbridge - a very popular place to spend time with friends and have a glas of wine together after work or on the weekends. 

Katholic church St.Martin and the tower of the church Neubaukirche.

Ferris wheel on the Kiliani fair in June.

Another photo of the ferris wheel with a church on the other side of the river.

Detail of a vineyard with a famous wine-music-festival: Hoffest am Stein 

Festung Marienberg

Detail of the chapel Marienkapelle on the Wuerzburg market place.

Thank you for walking with me through Wuerzburg. Have a nice week everyone! ☀️


Each picture in this post really does speak a thousand words.

Oh! Such nice words! Thank you so much!

It is such a beautiful town! I have not been there in a few years, but, my cousin lived there and I lived outside of Bitburg. Now we both live in Washington, DC. :)

Your pictures and silhouettes are incredible and just take my breath away! So many, so beautiful! You have filled the page with the true loveliness.

Upped and Steemed

Thank you with all my heart! I am happy that you like my post? And your support means tons to me!

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Wow! I am totally speechless! I put a lot of effort in this but would have never expected something this!

Amazing , I love these, Thank you for sharing.Using the Black & white makes these. More striking! Upvoted & following

Oh! That is so nice of you! Thank you for your support!

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That's amazing! I am stunned!

We visited Wuerzburg during our last visit to Germany. I am from Coburg, just an hour and a half away :)

Oh! Coburg is very pretty as well! Maybe we can meet on the bridge next time ... 🍷🍷

Klingt gut!! :)

Danke, dass ich mit dir wieder mal durch Würzburg laufen durfte - ist 2 Jahrzehnte her, dass ich es das letzte Mal tat! Trinke einen Wein mit den Mädels auf der Brücke und freue mich über all deine Bilder! ;-) Viele liebe Grüße aus den Sieben Bergen

Hehe! Gerne! Aber du wohnst, glaube ich, auch in einer traumhaft schönen Gegend! So scheint es mir zumindest zu sein, wenn ich auf meinem Weg zu Besuch bei meiner Schwester in Wuppertal die A3 dort passiere: Siebengebirge, Siegburg, Königswinter, Königsforst ... Ich denke dann immer: "Hier kommen die Märchen her!" oder ich bin aus Versehen in Game of Thrones gelandet ...
Ich trinke demnächst ein Glas Silvaner für dich mit oder ich kann gerne auch ausnahmsweise was anderes nehmen, falls dir das besser mundet... 😋
Liebe Grüße...

hihi... Ausfahrt Siebengebirge... und dann bei den Zwergen oder bei Siegfried fragen lach aber der Winter naht und deshalb vorsichtig fahren... :-) Silvaner klingt auch nicht schlecht, aber Vinho Verrissimo hat einen portogisischen Vinho Verde, der ist unschlagbar ;-)

p.s. meine das ganz ernst - wenn du auf der A3 Richtung Schwester und Wuppertal unterwegs bist, dann fahr mal Siebengebirge raus - ping mich vorher an, wir freuen uns über jedes Gesicht, das wir in seiner Wahrhaftigkeit kennen lernen dürfen :-)

Ok. Ist notiert!

von ganzem Herzen ernst gemeint und wir freuen uns! Liebe Grüße und vielleicht bis ganz bald in den Sieben Bergen :-)

You have a new follower. Wuerzburg is amazing in black and white this is artwork my friend.

Following back. Looks like you post interesting articles. I am going to check them later ... Really curious about.

Your hometown is looking beautiful.

... and it is very comfortable to live here! I love it!

Nice shots. :)

Glad you like them!

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