The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill - State of the unionsteemCreated with Sketch.

It has been a while since I wrote one of these (Morgenseiten). But I thought it might be a good vehicle for an update explaining why I have not done a lot of the things I am normally doing. First of all I have been a bit away from the public part of the internet due to a lot of annoying, but not at all dangerous illness. I think I also needed a bit of a break.

I have read some Marcel Proust, I have read some Charlie Stross, and I have helped my daughter reading a book she needed to read as homework. I might get back to all this reading in another post...

Then I haven't made a Phill page in the new year. Besides the illness there are two reasons for this.

One: I need to plan a bit ahead from here, and have (with lacking success) tried to do so.
Two: I am planning to have the first album printed! So time has been used to find paper, printing prices and prepare for a Kickstarter.

I need to sell about 100 albums or so to make it work so it will have to be planned a bit. I hope some of you here on Steemit will consider buying a copy even though it will be in fiat!

I have also been working on a very nsfw comic with two friends, one of them is @skovclaude. You will get to see it later I suppose.

But I intend to get back to reading and writing here again. The activity here seems a bit low and slow, but I guess it is a good time to put some energy into this place.

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.


I like this idea, my morning conversation with myself is always swimming with ideas for the day, so it could be good to put it down, but it could also sound like the ramblings of a mad person...not that my posts aren't already the scratching of a mad person, in pictoral form.

I'm excited about your comic. I shall indeed buy one in support and also out of joy. I hope it's not 100's of dollars, but we shall see what you have to charge to make up for the cost of printing. It's expensive to make actual media as opposed to our digital we are so used to.

I am glad you are feeling better. I definitely feel my own contributions to Steemit this year have been less then stellar. I am trying to maintain a somewhat regular posting, but I need more days off in between now, mostly do to the extra things I have to do right now.

I'm curious what Steemit will be by the end of this year.

It's a good way to start the day :) just loading off some thought. I guess people know who we are after all this time on Steemit so the madman/madwoman aspect is hopefully not a surprise to anyone.

I really hope I will succeed in getting it printed. I have some good offers on the printing and now I have to make a frontpage, a video, writing all the people I know... etc. etc. The problem with my foot has been a not too welcome delay, but nothing really problematic.

It is interesting what will become of this place. Competition has shown up, lately and I will see if I can find time for more trying them out, but this place works already and I have already made some good connections here, so I guess Steemit will be the main place in my social network portfolio.

Definitely looking forward to getting a few copies of the printed Phill. Maybe we will even see it at a Comic-Con one day. Also looking forward to seeing the nsfw-ish comics, that are coming ;-)

I'm happy to have found out about @share2steem, which makes it easy for me to post on a daily basis, although I'm a lot less active on Steemit as I used to be.

My friends was all about getting a stand at the Copenhagen comic convention, but it was sold out! Comics is really the things again.

And yes, it is a slightly silent winter in crypto world.

I like the german name for this new project (:

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