Being A Mom...

in #motherhood6 years ago

I don't wanna be lame or overly emotional, but here I go...

Being a mom is such a huge part of who I am and has changed my life for the better in more ways than I can count.

So bare with me as the only thing in this world that can break this Ice Queens Heart is pint size!


Looking back on baby photos of my daughter reminds me over and over of all the great moments we have shared so far. We have so many memories to come on this amazing journey.

dec 2012 til jan 2 2013 187.JPG

She is my one and only and I'm grateful for her every second of every day...yes even when shes driving me nuts! :)


I'm GRATEFUL to have an EXPLORER and FEARLESS WANDER to ADVENTURE out on nice days with, a SNUGGLER to WATCH & LAUGH at all those great kids movies riddle with inappropriate adult humor, a CREATIVE INVENTOR to DRAW & CRAFT with, and a MASTER BUILDER to play LEGO with!

I'm OVERJOYED that in this house we love to eat right and ignore the stereotypes, we don't box ourselves in, and we are always surrounded by LOVE!

She is the Miracle I was told would never be and we live each day knowing it's going to be great regardless of what comes our way.

Being a Single Mom is the Best Job On Earth! The daily Hustle is completely worth all the Blood, Sweat and Tears.


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