SELF INVESTMENT... you can afford it believe me.

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)


individuals keep searching for success in several places, neglecting the one place they can truly find it. This makes a person devastated, success is not a function of our environment or the circumstances we find ourselves, success could be found if we look at the right places.

The fact remains that if an individual is successful in his mind, then be rest assured that he is will be successful physically on the outside. Simple right? It takes someone who is emotional stable to achieve that, it may seem simple but we forget this principle when the storm of life comes, it redirects us and overwhelm us. We forget these principles when it comes to taking some major decisions, even everyday choices.

If you don't know your mind is the greatest asset you have, if your mind is not properly nourished it shows on the physical, that is why like other assets, the mind needs to be improved continually and built upon. The great man Abraham Lincoln once said that he does not put into considerations a man who is not wiser today than yesterday. In his statement he insinuates that continuous growth and improvement of the mind is necessary if an individual should be successful.

INVESTING IN YOUR MIND - knowledge is a large asset for development.

It has been proven that Knowledge is a great asset. It distinguishes between living in lack and living in surplus. The Clear difference between the CEO of a big firm and the cleaner in the same company is the level of their knowledge. That is to say, the CEO knows that the cleaners doesn't know. The reason why he earns so much money, more than the cleaner.

One indicator of success is the level of what you know. That is, what you don't know can be your enemy it can cause you to fail. I can't stop wondering why some people miss it most times? These days people seek to get uplifted at work, but they ignore the skills and knowledge they need to get that promotion at work. There are businesses that need the knowledge of accounting and marketing to do well, but these business owners ignore it. It's just like trying to start a generator without fuel, it won't start. These businesses will keep struggling.

INVESTING IN YOURSELF - using the 3% rule.

According to Brian Tracy who gives these advice that will make us rich. Brian said when an individual invest three percent of his money back into himself. His assumption is that investing into one's self will double our income. There is no limit to the category of persons it works for, whether employed or not.

James Attucher added in agreement to what Brian Tracy had said, he said that the real method of increasing your income is by investing into yourself, he added that people should adopt this culture of investing their Ideas in their businesses. Aside your knowledge, your mind should be invested too.


Self-education is way beyond the normal classroom learning, what to learn and how to learn is determined by the individual. In reality self Education matters more than formal education. There are persons that have the highest form of formal education and still struggling. A formal education is not a bad idea at all. The problem now is that people get stuck with the formal part of learning with is the foundation, they don't realise that the combination of both the formal and self-education will improve one's life and thinking.

Knowledge is a tool that will either enhance or mere the pursuit of your dreams.



You have everything it takes to be whatever you want to be, I advice that you invest into your growth. Surround yourself with positive people, positive is contagious. Improve your mind, consistently. Success will follow you and your mind will become a magnet of success.

Go on and be what you want to be, you have all it takes...


I would definitely agree. There is a lot of knowledge out there and we have no excuse not to self educate.

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