
Wow! It rained here today and I was in the car when it started. So sorry you couldn't go out and it's a blessing in disguise that you had to switch to indoor duties. Hope it wasn't tiring? Has the rain gone down now?

It's not raining right now, but more storms are predicted for later this afternoon. We are entering tornado season, so storms this time of year cause you to keep alert!

Wow. I hope it goes easy on you this time. Be on alert please. I know you will be fine. The thought of the storm draws shiver hahaha. I know you will be fine.

No worries! We expect severe storms this time of year. The county has warning sirens to alert us if there are tornados in the area, and everyone has a plan to seek shelter. It looks like the storms tonight will just bring more rain.

Oh I love that. Prompt and adequate information always help. I know you will be safe. Your good heart will always wade off damaging storms to your side.

I remembered the last time it rained and the snow came heavily then, you were indoor watching movies and reading few books too. Well done my friend.

I am safe and secure. And I always have an adequate supply of reading material close at hand, so All is well!
Thanks for your kind words!

You are always kind my friend.

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