Words Of Wisdom XI { Emotional Intelligence/Motivation }

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“Our identity is very closely associated with our thoughts and feelings. Usually, when we feel anger, we become angry. We are anger itself. When we feel depressed, we are depression. When we feel greedy we are greed. It’s easy to see ourselves in the emotional ‘guise du jour’ and mistake this costume for who we really are beneath it.” —Marc Gilson

What determines a man lies under the surface and what I mean by that is the outward appearance of a man isn’t enough to tell who the man really is. What is on the inside determines the outward expression and that is what a man is judged by. Be on the inside whatever you wanna be seen as on the outside as that is your identity.... Mide

He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future.” —Quevedo

Stop living in the past, let by gone be by gone. You can’t correct the past but you can focus on the future to compliment the past. Regretting the past is a bad excuse to loose the opportunities of the present which might cost you the future. But if you still aren’t cool with the past then get a time machine and fix the past but without that , match on my friend , make the future worthwhile.... Mide

“Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what’s real.” —Doc Childre

Whatever it is you’re doing now is securing the future and that is the way it should be. Create your next moment from today with deep thought and feelings of how you want the future should be.... Mide

“Worrying is like being in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but does not get you anywhere.”

Worrying is a time waster, but why worry when you can do something to fix the situation. Always think to fix the present situation.... Mide




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