Monday Motivation - Words

in #motivation6 years ago


I am not a teacher. My wife is one and as a result, I know what a teacher looks like. A teacher needs to know stuff that they then teach to others. I am not one...

However, I admire teachers. Firstly because they know enough stuff to have something to teach. And secondly, because of the immense impact they have on people's lives. No one will have a bigger impact on your life than your teachers. Choose them well!

Knowledge changes you. Learn something new today and you will be a different person tomorrow. But I have said this here and this is not the point I want to make today. A teacher once had a huge impact on my life and not by teaching me something. It was something different. Something all of us can do.

I was in high school and needed to make a speech in a class. This is not something that came naturally to my personality type and I was fraught with nerves. While standing outside the class, waiting my turn a teacher walked past me and saw the fear in my eyes. I had to explain my predicament. In response, he placed a hand on my shoulder and said, 'You're a very talented young man. I believe in you and that you can do this. And that you can do it well. In fact, I think you will one day be a very popular public speaker.'

I still messed up the speech that day as I had not prepared well. However, I can still feel that man's hand on my shoulder and hear his words to this day. And I have been a preacher, public speaker and mc for nearly 30 years now. I am not the best there is, but I am nowhere near the worst. And I have spoken to thousands at a time with great success.

That man's words changed my life!

You can change somebody's life too. Words of affirmation can change so many things!

What if you were the sum total of the words people have said to you about you as illustrated in the picture at the top of this post? What if those words were things like

  • You'll never amount to anything
  • You're worthless
  • You will never make it

Or what if those words were

  • I so appreciate this or that about you
  • You are really great at this
  • I know you can do this

God, the Father spoke to His Son twice in recorded history. We hear of other conversation but we have only two examples of His words to His Son. And here is the amazing thing. He said the same thing twice!

And a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Mat 3:17 KJV

Two opportunities to show us how to parent and from a long list of possibilities He chose to repeat one thing!

I dare you this week to find a significant, real and valuable affirmation for someone each day. And one day, years from now, you may read that person's blog and discover what a difference you made.

(Don't tell someone they look pretty. You're not flirting. You are commenting on who they are, affirming them.)

Try it! You will not regret it!


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Animation By @zord189


True amazing words...once my teacher told me to learn something new everyday. If you not learn anything then consider that day as waste day in life.
Frankly there is so many things to learn....even knowledge is something that never is infinite...if a human wants they can acquire amass knowledge in his life. There was a guy in my office he had 7 degree under his law- and many other professional degree..he is interested in acquiring as much as he can.....

Hey @reonlouw avoid voting on your post within 15 min .....after hf20 all rewards under the post will go to reward beter avoid it

Posted using Partiko Android

Great motivation

Posted using Partiko iOS

Right words were spoken to you once. These kind of phrases are very helpful at the beginning, when you are afraid to take the first step. But then person do another one, then another and once again. And after that already calmly going to meet something new, even becoming a support for someone else at times. Thanks for the reminder of this. Great words, @reonlouw!

Posted using Partiko Android

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