One of the factors that is a barrier to success is the lack of motivation to take action

in #motivation6 years ago


One of the factors that is a barrier to success is the lack of motivation to take action, realizing what we have planned. People say, plans can be cool as cool as possible, but without action, it is impossible that the plan will materialize and reap success.

Maybe you often wonder and ask yourself why you always lack motivation to take the actions you need to realize your plan. Hmmm, I know your turmoil because I have experienced the same thing. You don't know why you lose motivation. "Everything just happened," you complained in a slightly confused tone. Hihihihii....

It makes you confused about how to grow motivation within you.

In fact, many factors make us lose motivation, ranging from health factors to heartbreak factors. Hehehe. The latter usually affects young people.

Back on the topic, losing motivation to each person can be caused by different factors. Therefore, the handling is different.

Well, if you don't know why you lose motivation, all you have to do is first find out why you are losing motivation. Could you lose motivation because your body is not fit? Or, your motivation disappears as soon as you imagine heavy and accumulating work?

I wrote this article to help you know the cause of your lack of motivation while knowing how to overcome it.

There are many causes of someone losing motivation. Some of them are health, interest, and level of difficulty.

Well, to understand it, let's look at the following description.


When motivation and mood are understood as a feeling, you might think that mood and motivation have nothing to do with physical condition.

Of course, your estimate is wrong. The mind can affect our physical condition, and vice versa, body can influence our thoughts and feelings. Excess consumption of caffeine can make our feelings anxious, instead we can reduce anxiety by consuming certain drugs.

Likewise with motivation, it does not have to be influenced by abstract (spiritual) things; He (motivation) is also influenced by our physical condition. When we are sick, then we most likely lose motivation to do activities.

Well, therefore, to regain your inner motivation, one of the ways you can do is to maintain health. You can take care of your health by exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods, and checking yourself with your doctor if you are sick.


A friend just told me that he was in the process of dieting. The diet is done by running every day and swimming at least once a week. In addition, diet is also done by regulating meal times with certain rules.

She said, the diet was aimed at reducing weight and making the body more fit.

I then asked him what was the result of the diet. My friend also replied that his weight dropped 5.5 kg in one month. His body becomes much more fit. He is also no longer sleepy.

The last point (no longer sleepy) makes me amazed. Sometimes, one of the things that makes us lose motivation is because we are always sleepy. Well, by exercising regularly every day, our body becomes fit. When our bodies are fit, the drowsiness that initially constantly attacks also disappears. And, when drowsiness disappears, then motivation is easier to emerge.


In addition to exercising, keeping our body in a fit condition can be done by eating nutritious foods. You can consult a nutritionist or doctor to find out what type of food you need, also to find out how to set the right meal time.

The nutritional needs of each person are of course different depending on their health conditions.


As I mentioned above, sometimes the loss of motivation is caused by drowsiness that constantly attacks.

Well, according to health experts, there are certain diseases that make us always weak and easily sleepy, such as anemia and diabetes.

If you suffer from anemia or diabetes, you may encounter motivational problems. The disease that you suffer from can cause you to lack motivation to do activities.

Well, therefore, if you lack motivation, there is no harm in seeing a doctor. Who knows the lack of motivation is caused by you having anemia, diabetes, or other diseases that make your body always weak.


In addition to health factors, loss of motivation can also occur because the job you are working on is not the area of ​​work you are interested in.

You work as a financial staff, when in fact you have absolutely no interest in that field, for example.

If you lose motivation for reasons of interest, you can overcome the problem by pursuing your interests.

Be yourself

Being yourself is the best way to make peace with yourself. Often the environment or family requires us to be what they want, not what we want.

This makes us a dilemma. On the one hand, we want to make them happy and make them accept ourselves. On the other hand, there is a conflict within us because what we do does not reflect who we really are.

When we become what other people want, not what we want, it means we live in pretense.

Living a life that is not really "I really" certainly makes us keep on telling what we do. We will constantly swear what we do, even if we are very good at it.

If things like the above happen, then don't be surprised if you lose motivation in your work.

Therefore, before it's too late, there's no harm in reflecting on what your interests really are. Do you have a passion in the field that you are currently in? Or, are you currently working in a field that isn't "really"?

Be yourself; Chase your passion. when you work in accordance with your interests / passion, any obstacle will not discourage you and your motivation. Conversely, when you work in a field that you are not interested in, then no matter how easy it is, you will still lose the motivation to do it.

The question is, what if your age is no longer possible to find a job that suits your interests? Or, perhaps, your educational background is an economy, even though you have no interest in that area at all; You are more interested in photography. And, you think it's too late to pursue your passion; It takes a lot of time to study and become an expert in photography, for example.

To overcome the loss of motivation because of the above problems, then what you can do is accept your current self. So, how? Come on, see the following ways.

Love work

Even if you have no interest in the field that you are in now, you can still foster work motivation within you. The trick is to love your work; Love your current self.

My brother has no interest in the field he is currently in. He is more interested in other fields. But, as I know, he's a very loving and motivated person at work.

That made me curious, what made him love his job so much. And, after I asked him, what made him love work, did you know what the answer was? The answer is environment!

Yup! The environment in which he works, which is very friendly, makes him feel at home working.

Well, if you lose motivation because you work in an area that you are not interested in, you can still develop motivation within yourself by making it so that the environment is friendly.

When you work, don't hesitate to occasionally joke with your friends. Or, you can also discuss your assignments with your friends, while working.

This is intended to make a friend more friendly. Shadows about heavy work disappeared because of jokes.

Degree of difficulty

Lack of motivation can also occur because you judge that your task is very hard to do.

In the research they conducted, Hyunjin Song and Norbert Schwarz, both psychologists from the University of Michigan, found that perception or impression also influenced mood and motivation. If we think that the task we are going to do is very heavy, then motivation is reduced. Conversely, if we think that the task we are going to do is very easy, then motivation will increase.

So, how to grow motivation if we judge the task that we are going to do is very heavy?

How, yach, change perception. Hehehehe.

Small Goal

Confused how to change perception? Hmmmm, sometimes, a task seems heavy and difficult to do because the task is so much that we don't know where to start. Seeing the stack of paper on the table makes us think that our task is very heavy. In fact, not necessarily the task was really hard to do.

Now, when you lose motivation because you think that the task you are going to do is very heavy, the first thing you have to do is create the impression that the task is easy to do.

The trick is to divide the task into sections. Start from the easiest part to do. Or, if the task has to be done in sequence, then take the first part, and set aside the other parts.

You can store other parts in your drawer or under your desk to give the impression that your task is very little and very easy to do.

Focus on the part you are working on.

Compare that with your previous achievements
Creating the impression that your work is very easy to do, you can also do it by recalling your abilities. Maybe you've done a task that, according to people and in your opinion is very difficult to do. But, anyway, you can do it successfully.

Now, when you remember that you have succeeded in working on a task that is heavier than the task that you are currently working on, then motivation will inevitably arise in you.

Hey, that's some self-motivating way that you can apply. Of course, these methods can be applied according to the factors that cause you to lose motivation. if your motivation is lost because of interest, then from now on, learn to love your work. If you feel that you have been lacking motivation lately because you are often sleepy in the office, from now on take time to exercise. If necessary, consult a doctor. Who knows you are suffering from a disease.

Finally, good luck working and don't forget to leave a comment.

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