[10minutes a day to learn how to play a Guitar Vol.1] by Spinels-records

in #music6 years ago

Hello!! This is Spinels-records which is an indies music label.

In this series of articles, I’d like to introduce “10 minutes a day method" to learn how to play the guitar.

End of this series, you’ll be able to play a short easy song like this.

“When you wish upon a star”

[01 : Elements of music]

Music has many elements.

Melody,harmony,rhythm,acoustics,articulation and so on.
In this article, I’ll focus on Melody and Harmony.


To understand how to express them, I’ll explain the “structure” of the guitar at first.

[02 : Guitar is “bothersome” Instrument!?]

Guitar is much complex than other instruments, such as piano.
The reason is that Guitar is “one-to-many correspondence” instrument.

Piano is “one-to-one correspondence” instrument.
One note is linked to one position.

But Guitar is “one-to-many”.
One note is linked to several positions.


So, It’s very important to grasp which note is linked to which positions.

[03 : Horizontal and Vertical view]

But it’s very hard to memorize all positions at once.


So, as a 1st Step, let’s start with “horizontal viewpoint”.
It’s very simple.

“one fret = 1 semitone”


In Next article, I’ll explain some exercise to play horizontally.

Vol.2 is scheduled for September 29th.


Thank you for reading to the end!!!

#music #jazz #guitar #lesson


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