🎬 Introducing Traditional Aceh Rapai Musical Instruments

in #music5 years ago (edited)

Hello dtuber all ...
This time I want to introduce an Aceh traditional musical instrument, namely "Rapai".

Rapai is a traditional Acehnese percussion instrument which is included in the family of drum frames, which is played by being hit by hand without using a stick. Rapai is often used in traditional ceremonies in Aceh such as marriage ceremonies, apostle circumcision, night market performances, accompanying dances, and also at traditional and cultural memorial moments.

According to a verse written by Rapai, this musical instrument originated from Syeh Abdul Kadir Jailani, a great scholar of jurisprudence from Persia who lived in Baghdad.

Rapai was brought by an Islamic announcer from Baghdad named Syeh Rapi (some called Syeh Rifai) and was played for the first time in the Royal Capital of Aceh, Banda Khalifak (now Gampong Pandee, Banda Aceh) around the 11th century.

This traditional rapai musical instrument is round and similar to crock and low walled. And it also has gingers (jingles) on the wall that are thin like a straight plate and made of copper to give a distinctive sound when clinking.

The frame body of a traditional rapai musical instrument is made from jackfruit wood, merbau wood or ara wood which is quite old. The shape is like a crock or pan with various sizes, while the bottom is empty, with edges or walls called paloh.

For this size rapai membranes or membranes are made from goat skin which has been treated or thinned and sliced ​​with bamboo. Whereas to reach a larger size like rapai pase is made from cow leather.

Rapai use a rattan around the edge to tighten to membaran membaran or membrane rapai, and this greatly affects the sound that is caused so it is more echoing. To produce a clatter and crisp sound, metal plates are used on the sides of the bald like the jingles on the tambourine.

This traditional Acehnese musical instrument is played in a sitting position, the left hand holds the body rapai and the right hand hits the rapai skin. This reach has 3 basic tones, for those who are more skilled, it usually plays with 4 tones, that is, added a flower tone between the 3 basic notes, with the collaboration of the flower tones the music produced will be more alive and unique.

When hit in the middle of the membrane will produce a big buzzing or echo sound, but not sharp (low), and if hit on the edge will get a sharp and loud sound or can be likened to a drum game that is hit with a stick on a rimshot.

To hear the notes released from this traditional musical instrument you can see directly on the video I have displayed as the sample.

In this video I do not sing songs using this traditional instrument, for now I only introduce the musical instrument rapai first, and I will sing it on the next video of a poem by using this traditional musical instrument special for all of you.

Don't forget to watch my song on my next video okay. Thank you for those of you who have read my writing in vidio description.

… Thanks for watching ...

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Interesting Aceh music equipment.

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Yes @sasaadrian , this is a musical instrument that is unique in Indonesia, and only in the Aceh province that uses this instrument.

Thank you, my brother for sharing information about Acehnese culture with Dtuber, hopefully they can learn about our culture

Yes my friend ... I hope this musical instrument is also known to all over the world ..

Very nice @sudutpandang ... Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much my brother has watched my video.

Don't forget to look forward to my next video tomorrow and I will sing a collaboration poem with this traditional musical instrument rapai.
Thanks ..

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And you have a song coming up
That's cool
I will b e looking out for it
I guess you will be playing the rapai to accompany it ...
Thank you for sharing :D

Yes @kaerpediem , more complete if I sing a poem with the instrument, and I will play it, look forward to the next video @kaerpediem ...

I too see this instrument first time, but altg it sounds amazing

Yes my brother, this musical instrument has a different sound, and more echoing than the Drum Band musical instrument.
Thank you for watching my brother ..

Hi there,
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A small contribution from me, to help the steem community to thrive ;)

I'm glad you are showing us this part of your culture. We need more of this type of thing on steemit and dtube. Is music in your family, or how do you come to be involved in it?

Thank you @fitinfun , I will show you more than this if @dtube supports videos like this.

I joined a cultural arts studio 11 years ago since I was in high school.
And you can also see how I and the team played this instrument in public 10 years ago on my YouTube video below:

Or you can also watch my YouTube videos when I and several other friends use this instrument for a song:

My talent for the instrument was the remaining skill from 10 years ago, and only now I want to try it again, it's a bit stiff, but I need to get used to it again and learn from the lessons 10 years ago.

Hello sudutpandang!

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Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you so much @artzone ,,,

Well introduction about Rapai. I didn't know about it before coz I never looked those instrument in ma country. Glad to sharing different culture indeed music part.

Yes @madushanka , thanks for watching...

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