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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐶

in #musing6 years ago

What makes people angry?

What makes people do evil? This is something that comes from within? Or could it be a potential influence of external circumstances? Do you consider yourself evil? Do you want to hurt someone in your thoughts? Or do you do evil without implying it?


That's more than one question....
What makes people angry is themselves. It is a choice to let someone affect you and get angry.
Doing evil is an action and not the same thing as anger. A lot of people blame external things for the evil they do. I guess I'm a little different I think people are responsible for their actions and reactions to external influences. That's part of what's wrong with our society, no one want's to take responsibility for their faults and failures. I screw up and fail at something every day. Actually, I think if you are not making mistakes of some kind, you are not working, learning or trying hard enough.

Just My #twocents take it or leave it.

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