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RE: Taoist Esoteric Plant Medicine: Inula Root

This is so interesting. Thanks for coming to the party and writing what you know.It's use for stomach disorders aligns with what I've read about it in other traditions. On the 'lung' side and what you say about:

What ensues is usually the capacity to express all that we are feeling and have held onto unnecessarily. It’s not unusual to see patients begin to weep or even laugh. They literally start to “get things off their chest”.

fascinates me as I consider this plant and my personal journey. I don't want to get too personal but there's things I relate to in here, and feel this plant is calling me! I'm going to plant it - maybe it's scent will be enough! I can most definitely tell you about my body functions, haha, so it's not the extreme I identify with, but there's something - I can never quite pinpoint this 'lung' thing that bothers me and I believe has influenced my being in the world. Plant medicines fascinate me in this respect - how can they help me 'know myself'?

Thanks so much for responding @metametheus - you are so loved and valued as part of NM. xx

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