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RE: A Show of Hands....?

Thanks for such a detailed response. 😍

I guess the observation needs to be made that in Australia (where I grew up & lived for many years) the standard of labeling & ingredients in the sanitizers is (hopefully) more tightly controlled than Thailand. I say "hopefully" because of the illusion of control & standards. I export natural products into Oz now & it's one of the easiest countries and requires almost zero manufacturing or ingredient disclosure. Truly.

So much to consider. My biggest response is that while your particular alcohol rub might be effective, it's the repeated use of an environmentally damaging product that denatures & harms the skin which sets that particular individual repeat user up for future bacterial issues, as rough dry skin harbours more bacteria than healthy functioning skin.

In my natural products biz where hand sanitation issues are a daily thing, we (like the food industry) would never allow hand sanitizer due to contamination - same as we dont allow latex gloves due to powder contamination. If I wouldnt contaminate a product with that icky chemical residue, why would I contaminate my immune compromised grandma or a newborn baby by touching them?

I think you win Epic Comment of the Week. 💚

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