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RE: I rescued a Bald Eagle yesterday! Lifetime Achievement - Unlocked! Pics/Vids/Story/Updates in comments

in #nature7 years ago

What an amazing experience! I love birds of prey, eagles, owls, ospreys and hawks. I understand the feeling you experienced, one Christmas Eve a few years ago after getting home a Barred Owl was hopping around on the ground towards the back of our property. We rushed up to investigate and determined its wing was injured. After getting a blanket, I tossed it over the owl and gently picked it up. It did not struggle or try to peck me. We placed the owl in a large dog crate ovenite and the next day the bird rescue folks picked it up. That owl now resides in a sanctuary, it could not be released into the wild as the injury was significant. It made me happy to rescue one of natures great creatures🐓


That's great that you were able to help it and that it is in a safe place. This is my first bird of prey young I have ever found. I grew up in California near Yosemite and for about 7 years in the late 80's/ early 90s we had a couple of Golden Eagles that nested on the hillside above the house and fledged numerous chicks. That helped instill my love of raptors.

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