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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (What did you do when...)

in #newbiegames6 years ago

For me I got more sleep. I try to post each day and this leads me to staying up later. Without a need t post here I didn't have to do that. I also had more energy during the day. That was nice for the weekend as we set up my house with decorations for Halloween. I do see now that getting as into SBI and other daily voting bots puts some pressure on me to post each day. I might try to ignore that more often as it is filling my blog will a lot of smaller post I don't really like as much and then I do a good one and it is hidden in that stuff. I did get pulled into a few other sites like steem it though but might walk away from those haha.


I've avoided the other sites as they don't have such en established market on exchanges, and until then, they are not going to survive. Then again, I could be wrong

Getting more sleep is great, I find I'm doing the same... And losing a bit of extra sleep as well...

The winners of the last post and the new SBI contest (Above average) can be found here:

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