in #news6 years ago (edited)

Many of you may not realize, because the press in the USA is content to cover up much of what goes on there, but China has a point system that rates ALL of their citizens, and the more dedicated children are to the state the more points they are awarded and the better the job and housing they can attain. They track EVERYTHING their citizens do, who they talk to, who they hang out with, what they post... EVERYTHING. Then they award points to each citizen based on this tracking. Alex Newman of the New American has covered the Chinese Sesame Point System on numerous occasions.

Edmodo is a US company used by many of our schools to track and keep data on our kids. A Chinese company just purchased Edmodo. How long do you think it is going to be before the Communists running the USA are assigning "life points" that follow chldren all the way up from grade school into college, and beyond? This is total cradle-to-grave surveillance, the type of which George Orwell and Aldous Huxley could only dream. We know this is likely, because "portfolio assessment" which was actually rolled out in a few places, and which was a key part of the original "Goals 2000" (which, in turn, led to a lot of the re-branded "school reform" garbage patriots have fought ever since) was very much intended to be like Sesame.

The children would no longer be graded using standardized testing, but by their "work samples" kept in a portfolio. Traditional grading was to be done away with, as well as grade point averages. This is the case, right now, in a couple of schools here in my home state of Maine, and those schools are under heavy attack by upset parents. You see, the goal of the total Communist nanny state (which the USA is literally fast becoming--modelling after the Chinese and the older Soviet systems) is to have people assessed primarily for "GLOBAL VALUES" and their allegiance to the SOCIAL SKILLS (like "tolerance," "celebrating diversity," "gender neutrality appreciation," "global citizenship," etc., etc.) if they are to get admission to a decent college or "rewarded" a job after college, etc.

My dear friend Charlotte Iserbyt has covered all of this in her amazing catalogue of primary source documents called "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of American Education." It is a FREE DOWNLOAD on her website located at PLEASE, if you aren't aware of her, and her whistle blower background and this material on what is being done to our formerly excellent American public school system, go to her website and check it out.

By the way, "school choice" and "charter schools" are being proffered by the phony conservative elements of society (including Donald Trump and the neocon "Heritage Foundation,") but that is all the subject of a future posting here on my blog. Suffice it to say, there will be NO CHOICE once "choice" is fully foisted on a gullible public, state-by-state, and "Charter Schools" really should be called CORPORATE SCHOOLS with their non-local/publicly elected "school boards," but still with mandatory payment of real estate revenues to them at the point of a gun.

You have a great day! God is still on His throne.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Education and Surveillance
Our Purpose

too many people and companies are selling out to the Chi-coms good grief. This looks like an important step in totally ruining our kids in school, I'm sure that's the first target.

Yep, and this stuff started under Reagan, of all people, who basically won by promising to abolish The Dept. Ed.

oh thats right. I guess we're getting older huh but you got a great memory. what ever happened to that idea, did he try to do that?

Not seriously, no. All rhetoric.

great. thanks for trashing my fond memory of Reagan.

He was a Democrat and AN ACTOR before they put him to work playing his greatest role as "the great conservative" who tripled the debt during his 8 years. Yep, we really have been screwed for this long.

that's depressing. all hope is gone.

Not with Jesus Christ, the REAL President....He'll be back soon, as I'm sue you've heard...

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