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RE: A 33yr old married rape victim narrates her story

in #news6 years ago

Lord!!! these are the kind of things i stand for and i talk about so much that people often ask me whether i have been raped including my sister but then i explain that i dont need to have experienced it i just need to imagine it happening to me to get me boiling down to my soul.....I usually feel so much disgust and pain when i think of these hings.... For goodness sake there are women willing to offer their bodies even for free why must you now force the ones that re not interested in it at all....My pain in these issues is not the rape in itself but the stigma the society associates the rape with and more painful is the fact that they always look for a way to blame the woman.... either accusing her of seducing the man, or talking of her clothes, or why she was alone with the my mind these are just stupid and ignorant excuses meant to shield the man from the consequences of his action... does being horny mean one has become insane or has lost hold of his senses... i can go on and on but truth is we need to stop blaming women for these things and women need to start opening up more....@ejemai thank you for bringing out this...the more these shameless acts are aired in the open the more we realise that there are really some wolves in sheep clothing all around us

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