Colony Chronicles - Athene

in #nextcolony4 years ago

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What happened?

I did a series of chronicles on the upgrade race in Nemesis but sadly left it open ended as I was away during the last few days before it ended. Anyway you can read the summary post here which didn't cover the bottom players and how they got there. That topic deserve it's own steem posting.

What about present?

For this season, I suspect most players gunning for a steem prize has done some math so that they are upgrading just enough to stay in position and hope grab those steem rewards. Unless some players decide to play 'Lucifer' and terrorize their strategy, all will be happily upgrading till the timer runs out. The notion of a 'Lucifer' the game will be fun to watch, maybe @backjungmin interested in harakiri against level 20 yamatos.


Anyway here are the top 20 leaders in Yamato Athene.
Current Top 20 at the time of posting

Compare to amount spend in Nemesis approximately 50% less.
From Dachcolony Post -

From a quick search UraniumFuture has about five (5) Yamato upgrade but only one(1) is going ahead to become Level 20 in Y-5 and the rest stalled at level 16, 17 & 18 in (Y-1,Y-2,Y-3,Y-4,Y-6). For Dachcolony, they too have level 20 Yamato upgrading but they extra one level 19 Yamato at Mysia-Epsilon that may or may not become level 20. Uraniumfuture six (6) versus Dachcolony seven (7) upgraded multi levels Yamato.

Fat wallets.

The current SD wallet balances are as follows;
SD wallet ranking

UraniumFuture, like Dachcolony too, has burn their legendary planet of VENUS XII
that for the much needed Stardust to fuel their quest here in Athene.

Doing just enough.

The cost and benefit in Yamato season is pretty much focus on upgrading. Probability is higher in winning depends on how much one is willing to spend on upgrading the number of Yamato in their stables. It is like the richer in (SD) you are you'll have a higher chance of winning it but does the rewards worth the cost spend in it?

Any limits?

I think the threshold for a player is willing to spend may likely depends on how much they are getting back in return and below is a simple tabulation.
Steem to Stardust last trade from SteemLeo-Dex
Therefore correlate to their wallet current balance, current season ranking & cost spent and reward structure can roughly benchmark the limits, which is just enough to win.


I could be wrong and maybe a 'Lucifer' like player would terrorize the stability of this. Doubt there will be much attack on one another as most Yamato are quite far away from one another. We shall see if dachcolony going to full speed & drain their balance to top this again. Nevertheless, it may seem to get cheaper to win in the next few seasons or maybe Nextcolony may reduce the top prize to keep this longer as the pool isn't getting any more input but that would be discouraging for many and may shake out more players.

Stay tuned.

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