Yuk, Bantu STEEM Terdaftar di Niffler.co! [Bilingual]

in #niffleronsteem5 years ago (edited)

Sebagai steemian, sudah pasti kita cinta STEEM dan ingin agar cryptocurrency yang satu ini terdaftar di platform-platform crypto trading terkemuka di seluruh dunia kan? Dan bicara tentang deretan platform trading cryptocurrency terkemuka, teman-teman pernah mendengar tentang Niffler.co?

As steemian, I believe that we love STEEM and hoping to see this cryptocurrency being listed on the trusted and well-known cryptocurrency trading platforms. Am I right? And..., talking about the trusted crypto exchangers, are you familiar with Niffler.co?


Image screenshot from Niffle.co website, modified using Canva Application

Yup, tak salah lagi. Niffler.co adalah salah satu platform crypto trading atau sering juga dikenal dengan istilah cryptocurrency exchanger , yang tak hanya menjadi ajang di mana para trader (baik yang profesional mau pun pemula) beraktivitas/berniaga, tapi juga menjadi tempat berkumpulnya para pecinta* cryptocurrency* yang ingin belajar tentang bagaimana melakukan trading dengan lebih baik, melalui software simulasi yang disediakan oleh Niffler.co.

Yes! Niffler.co is a cryptocurrency trading platform which is established not only aimed to be the platform for the professional trader to trade but also to help its members to understand more about the blockchain, crypto token and how to trade better. There is not only the traders but also the crypto enthusiast who willing to learn about trading, the blockchain, and its technology.

1. Software Trading Simulasi/Simulated Exchange

Yup, karena bukan hanya para trader profesional yang bergabung di platform ini, maka Niffler.co menyediakan software simulasi sehingga para member bisa belajar terlebih dahulu tentang cara berniaga/trading cryptocurrency, tanpa harus was-was akan kehilangan token riil mereka.

Niffler.co provides simulated trading software so that the members can learn how to trade safer without worrying to lose their real cryptocurrency. The real-time simulated crypto exchange is really helpful, simple and easier way to learn.

2. Komunitas di mana member bisa saling berbagi informasi dan saling belajar/Free Learning Community

Tak hanya itu, Niffler.co juga membentuk komunitas di mana para membernya bisa belajar secara gratis di dalamnya, saling sharing pengalaman, kegagalan maupun kesuksesan, yang tentunya akan menjadi pembelajaran dan inspirasi bagi para member lainnya. Komunitas ini saling support, di mana para trader profesional akan memberikan ilmu mereka tentang bagaimana agar bisa trading dengan lebih baik dan aman.

In the other hands, Niffle.co also builds a community where the member shares in each other the knowledge, experience and most importantly their cumulative success, as well as the lesson learned.

3. Hasilkan Uang dengan Trading di Niffler.co/Earn Money

Selain sebagai tempat belajar melalui software simulasi yang disediakan, members/traders tentu saja bisa berniaga cryptocurrency dalam arti yang sebenarnya pada platform Niffler.co ini. Jadi salling support melalui komunitas, atau mencoba simulasi sebelum benar-benar terjun ke kancah 'perniagaan', maka, bagi yang sudah benar-benar yakin untuk memulai, maka, Niffler.co menyediakan tempat untuk langsung terjun ke arena perdagangan.

Niffler easy to use.png

As stated on their platform shown in the picture above. Beside providing the simulated exchange and the free learning community, Niffler.co is the best platform to trade the cryptocurrency. After experiencing the learning session through the simulated exchange, the crypto-enthusiast or newbies trader could go to the real trading activities provided by Niffler.co.

Let's Takes STEEM to get Listed On Niffler.co

Steem on Niffler.png

Pasti bangga rasanya melihat STEEM terdaftar di berbagai platform Cryptocurrency Trading terpercaya bukan? Dan kini saatnya kita, para steemian mensupport agar STEEM juga bisa terdaftar di platform yang satu ini, Niffler.co. Caranya gimana?

Begini, nih, caranya, mantermans!

As we love STEEM, it will be so proud to see STEEM got listed on the trusted cryptocurrency trading platforms, right? And, this is the time to support STEEM to also get listed on Niffler.co. How?

This is How!

1. Sign Up to Niffler.co?

sign up niffler.jpg

2. Pilih Username/Pick Your Username

pick your username.png

3. Ikuti Beberapa Trader/Follow Traders

follow 3 traders.png

4. Ajak Beberapa teman Steemian untuk Support STEEM/Mentioned 5 of your Steemian Friends

Yup, ajak juga 5 atau lebih teman steemian lainnya untuk bantu dukung STEEM agar terdaftar di platform ini, dengan membuka akun/sign up, dan ikuti tiga tahapan di atas. Kita butuh 5000 akun/signed up untuk bisa membawa Steem ke platform ini. Dukung yuk!

Mention and ask support from 5 or more your steemian friends to also Support STEEM to be listed on Niffler.co, by signing up. We need 5000 account signed up to bring STEEM got listed here.

And, here, by this post, I would like to invite @mariska.lubis, @ammachemist, @akbarsanjani, @owner99, @khaimi and @ettydiallova to sign up and help STEEM to be listed on Niffler.co. Let's do it, guys!

Untuk info lebih lanjut, langsung klik pada links di bawah ini, ya!
/for more info, just go directly to these links!

Website | FAQ | News | Twitter |Support STEEM

Al, Bandung, 2 December 2018


Siap gas pooolll kak @alaikaabdullah. Its time for redfish spirit to talk more.

Posted using Partiko Android

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