
Hi @sharmag! Please make sure that content you share on the site are your original works. Could you verify if you have also uploaded this photo on other platforms?


It is advisable to confirm ownership of photos by linking your other sites/blogs on your post.

Also, please take note of nTopaz posting guidelines:

6-1 Content that copies another person's work and posts it as if it was his/her own. If you have practiced copying another person's work, you must specify the author and source.
※It doesn’t mean inspiration, but just copying.
6-2 If you are quoting some of the contents, you must indicate a quotation mark.

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Just contacted with the author and confirmed me he doesn't own this user account.
So it's plagiarism

You lead me a fantasy land ^^ So cute and bright. Even a kid, she looks like a lady. Two images are put together in it. How cut e she is~~ Wanna see your next work ~~

Given what this account usually posts it is unlikely this is his artwork, here is the author's behance

I already reported this to @steemclearners as possible plagiarism, by not citing sources and using ntopaz it's implying he was the creator.

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