The Scout | My first ever short film

in #ocd-resteem6 years ago (edited)

A few months ago the idea of writing, shooting and editing a short film came to mind. I didn't have any idea what embarking on such a project would mean.

I have a few friends who at one point or another on their life had some encounters with film making. They all had different opinions but they all said the same two things: make a script and make preparations.

Anyway, sometime last week I got in touch with some of my reenactor friends and set a date for when the filming would begin. Worked out all the details with them, what the action will be so on and so forth. We've talked about filming on Saturday (which was yesterday) the only problem I was having was that I had the film in my head, no script no nothing so on Friday evening I grabbed myself a beer and started studying the main components of a script and how to make a storyboard. Later that night...much much later I had something that looked like a script and a storyboard.

yeah, I know, my handwriting looks like crap but I was in a hurry

With the script and storyboard in hand came Saturday morning. We went to shoot in a forest a few kilometers away from my home. I left early so I can scout for a location.
At about 8 AM everybody was "on set". I explained what I was going for how the action would develop, we went through every scene, every cut until everybody knew what they had to do.

Now for the story. The main idea is that a Dacian scout was relaxing in a tree, drinking wine and having an all around peaceful day until he spots two romans walking by the road in his vicinity. He then panics, jumps off the tree thus alerting the romans. They hear the noise and decide to go check it out. There is some fighting going on, some killing, all the usaul stuff.

The filming went pretty much without a hick-up which was pretty strange because I have never worked on a project like this and they had never starred in a film. Some mistakes were made, some got out in the final film but all in all I consider this one a success.
The hardest part in editing for me was the sound effects and mostly because when I though of the film, sound design wasn't on my list (lesson learned)

The editing part took me about 7 hours. Got home at about 4PM yesterday and at about 11PM the film was ready to be presented.

When I though of this film I saw it as a three part "saga" if you will so probably I'll continue with part II soon but not until I make a proper script, think of sound design, shape the characters a little better and improve the overall story.

All and all it was an amazing experience and seeing the final product gave me an awesome sense of accomplishment.

Enjoy the short film!

Any feedback would be much appreciated! :)
PS. I know, you could see a car in a scene. That was my biggest mistake.I was too lazy to go and move it a few meters back.


Just awesome! This is very very inspiring, brother. I'll resteem this.

Thank you so so much!

Those two Romans were amateurs! They shouldn't have split thus allowing the Dacian to confront them separately :p
Very good movie, I love the setting !
Suggestion for the second part: the Dacian bleeds to death and is eaten by wolves. You can see him being bitten by wolves while still alive :p
Just kidding ! :-D

Cu totii suntem amatori :)) a fost o premiera si pt ei si pt mine.
In partea a doua iscoada va sangera si va lesina. Il va gasi un vraci care ii va da niste plante halucinogene, etc. Va fi diferit 😁

Suna bine! Nu am remarcat masina de care ziceai, deci nu e grav

Si multumesc mult pt apreciere!😊

Un pic decolorat ketchupul, iar din ce știu eu, dacii aveau niste săbii curbate, nu drepte ca ale romanilor. In schimb arată foarte bine pentru prima dată și făcut în mai puțin de trei zile 👍.

Alea sunt falxuri. Aveau si sabii drepte foarte asemanatoare cu cele ale romanilor. Da, ketchup-ul e cam decolorat. Si asta e o problema pe car va trebui sa o rezolv in partea a doua. Multumesc!

dacă am fi mai aproape unul de altul mi-aș oferi serviciile să te ajut la următorul :)
Îmi place că e "regizat" totul, că e gândit în prealabil. Așa și trebuie făcut, doar am vrut să punctez :)
Se cam vede că fiecare cadru este gândit. Din punctul meu de vedere cele mai bune sunt cele de la început, când iscoada este în copac. Asta și din cauză că omul este expresiv iar scenele respective par mai reale. Este evident faptul că trebuie lucrat la partea de acțiune, nu trebuie să spun eu asta :) Aș regiza scenele de luptă pentru filmare de mai departe, pentru a evita tocmai părțile de contact care sunt greu de făcut fără FX și fără actori care să se implice mai mult, gen cascadori.
Inițiativa este foarte tare și mă bucură :)

Da, am gandit chiar fiecare cadru (am facut un decupaj de imagine pe fiecare secventa care cuprindea inclusiv ce lentile si F stop sa folosesc). Am zis ca daca veau sa invat si sa progresez trebuie sa lucrez intr-un anumit fel. Da, cadrele de la inceput sunt preferatele mele. Partea cu romanii scartaie pt ca baietii erau la prima lupta one on one in calitate de reenactori.Pana atunci nu imbracasera haine de roman. Eu am gandit invers daca filmez arg scenele de lupta o sa para mult mai lame, mai lipsite de actiune decat close-up-urile plus ca nu am folosit niciodata un steadycam si am vrut sa vad cum e cu el si cum rezolv problema de follow focus :D Faza e ca am la dispozitie oameni si logistica antica berechet. Oamenii sunt mai mult decat deschisi sa participe la asa ceva si celmai important free of charge. Da, o sa ii lipseasca feelingul ala de Hollywood dar ne descurcam cu ce avem plus ca asa reusim sa atragem mai multi membri in asociatie. O sa fie inca doua filmulete (o continuare a astuia) in care urmaresc sa invat eu in primul rand ce am nevoie pt lungmetrajul pe care o sa il incep in iarna :D Tot pe aceeasi tema, daci romani etc. Ce am vazut facut pana acum e cam aiurea si vreau sa fac ceva diferit. Cu o baza istorica reala dar si un pic de artistic in el. Nu stiu inca in ce ma bag dar...abia astept :)))

Acum cea mai mare problema pt mine e sound design. Lucrez singur si as mai avea nevoie de cineva care sa tina un microfon ca sa captez mai bine sunetul ambiental dar o rezolv eu si pe asta :D

Dacă ai nevoie de sound processing, iti stau la dispozitie. Am un mic studio...poate pot sa-ti trag si niste fx-uri daca imi spui ce ai nevoie. Bafta oricum, e proiect major dpdv al muncii din cate inteleg :)

Oooo cat de tare! Da, sa stii ca o sa apelez mai ales de partea de fx. La un moment dat,dupa ce imi clarific ideile o sa fac un apel de colaborare aici,pe Steemit pt partea de background music, efecte etc. Aia la proiectul mare. Sper sa reusesc sa adun si niste fonduri pt ca munca trebuie rasplatita :)

Curiozitate! :) Ai tras scenele în ordinea din script sau ai luat-o pe sărite?

Hai ca iti raspund la asta ultima ca e mai scurt si apoi scriu la cea dinainte. Am tras scenele random. Adica am tras intai partea cu iscoada.apoi am filmat partea cu romanii pedrum, prin padure etc ca iscoada era in pauza de masa :)) apoi scenele de lupta si la urma detaliile (ulciorul care cade, ramurile rupte, sabia care loveste copacul) si le-am combinat in procesare conform cu scenariul

Dude, @raoul.poenar! This is really great! I love the costumes, the color grading, editing, everything. Awesome.

The car though... :D

I'm waiting for the next part, dude!

Thank you so much! If everything goes according to plan, next Saturday I'll be filming part II of these series :)

I don't know if you heard this before, but have you heard about viddsee? Their platform is really cool, curating shortfilms from all over Asia (and some European shorts too)

No, never heard of it. I don't think I'm good enough yet but I'll go and check them out. Thanks a lot!

Super cool! :D Awesome you're experimenting with short films, you have to think about a lot when doing something like this :-) Enjoy creating!

Thank you so much! Yeah, at one point I got overwhelmed by the amount of little details I had to take into account but I love every minute of it!

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Heyo, another fellow filmmaker, cheers!!!! I'll take a loot at your film tonight.

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