Open Mic Week 41: Awake (ORIGINAL MUSIC)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #openmic7 years ago

This song is another polymetric piece, but more simple and focused on melody and harmony. The polymeter here is 2/4 in the bass line, and 3/8 in the ostinato. I wanted to try these rhythmic concepts in a folkier, more sustained style with something more identifiable as a "chord progression." Lyrically, it's about the existential dread evoked by a nightmare, and the empty, depressed state experienced upon waking:


another masterpiece. I am writing this comment, then I will press play again.

Glad you like it!

Another good one, such a nice calm melody but unusual in a good way :) I don't like the bit about teeth falling out though 0_0 if that part is true it sounds like an anxiety dream, I had one like that once during uni exams and in my dream I felt all my teeth cracking and I spit them out into a garbage can, worst dream ever.

I saw in your other post you are participating in that crazy challenge where you ned to post everyday and comment 500 times, how's that going? If you want to chat I'm normally around!

Oh I've had numerous dreams of that nature. Sometimes they spill out, some times they crumble, sometimes they fall out one by one. They're really harrowing. That first verse was written my first year in college when I felt the weight of the real world pressing in closer and had the dream for the first time in a long time.

Yeah, I am! It was a lot to bite off but I'm doing my best. Not many other responsibilities right now. I'm a little bit behind on my comments but the posts are going well. And cool, I'll keep that in mind :)

Really good! You say it's simpler than the previous song, but I'm finding it is needing more listening for me to learn it (in my mind). It's very evocative, and anxiety inducing, especially what seems like the return to pondering the dream again after realising it was just a dream.

Oh just simpler in how it was conceived and in difficulty. Thanks, I really appreciate you sharing your impressions. I'm glad it's having the impact on people that I want!

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Sounds really good, man.

Thanks a lot!

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