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RE: Chore Charts- A Parents quest for sanity

in #parenting6 years ago

I still wonder about the rewarding part. I'm trying to find ways to make it so that rewarding isn't just about money. The way I am seeing it, these are everyday things that we all need to do in order to keep a clean house. If they get used to having rewards, they will be quite discouraged later on when they have to clean with nothing to gain so to speak.
I have said to my kids they would be getting a reward after cleaning but it doesn't always work. My daughter can be so stubborn and even with telling her she can use her money to buy something that she wants, candy or a toy, and she sometimes still wont do it. Aren't kids fun!
One time she's asked me to play songs about cleaning up to help her clean. I put on as many as I could find and she made me laugh cause she didn't pick up one thing in her room. She just danced to it lol. She's 5 and a hard headed child. I'm still finding ways and tricks to get her to do it.
My son is pretty good with cleaning. And my toddler... well it's a hit and miss too. Fun fun :p


Yeah I can see where your coming from with this. It would be difficult to keep up reward and how long before a reward just becomes the norm.
It’s great to hear the story of the music while cleaning, my daughter is just like that too.
She always wants to make a game out of it but as I have stated, that only works when you have time and when you don’t they get discouraged.
Upto now the post it’s are working but it’s early days yet and if the board is clear by end of the week we will reward them then. It maybe something like a movie or ice cream sundae’s or maybe a cash reward but that will depend on what we can manage. Thank you for your feedback. I really enjoyed the read

I also had a checklist for them to do. I would draw the items of the chores they needed to do. For example I would draw a bed for them to make their bed, drew clothes and toys etc. Kind of like your post its. I hope that is a system that will continue to work for you. What a relief it would be if it does become a solid thing. Wishing you the best ^_^

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