
The GDP of Germany individually and the EU collectively dwarf the GDP of Russia. The Europeans should pay for their own defense.

Why would Europe need The US for protection? Isn't it time after all these year to grown up?

You are right. Europe should be able to protect herself

That would require Europe to spend a larger portion of its economy on defense.

Why do that when you can just have the US do it and enjoy the benefits?

Because with the benefits comes the dependence on and influence of The US. It's bullshit that a rich continent like Europe wouldn't be able to pay it's own bills regarding defense. European politicians are mostly just weaklings.

they prefer to have the American taxpayer cover their security costs

I feel Europe does not need the protection of US since Europe is friend to most countries in the world, being the continent to colonise most countries in the world.
Hardly would any country go against Europe

Well, defense is not only against countries. But also terrorism, and we got too much of that happening now.

Yes that is true friend! But I feel the domestic influence should be able to stop the terrorism rather than going international to gain help.

Intelligence gathering and exchange regarding terrorism is still a good idea. Also joint actions against certain regimes could be good. But only if everyone can really independly decide to join or not. That's not really possible right now when The US pays a lot of the bills.

Wow this is really more than I thought it was. This shows that the US has a lot of influence on the economy and security of Europe. I doubt Trump would stick to what he said about not supporting Europe

They need us to protect them from the Russians.

Oh really! I feel Europe is develop enough and should be independent just like other developed nations of the world

They should be but they have become dependent on the largess of the American taxpayer for their defense.

they have grown dependent on the largess of the American Taxpayer for their defense but Trump is working to fix that.

Didn't Trump tell them that a while back?

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