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in #partiko6 years ago

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”


You can only surrender if you truly believe that your adversary isn't merciless, otherwise you submit. If you trust your adversary then surrender cannot be submission.

Surrender is a religious exercise as it's wholly dependent on your beliefs.

Posted using Partiko Android


Maybe the universe is both friendly and hostile, or neither and it's impartial. Interesting thoughts though! Especially in regards to surrendering and the "adversary".. Hmm.

Yeah, and I wonder what happens if there is no adversary (except in one's mind :). Also, if I trust my adversary, then they may not actually be one!

If trust were a binary operation and not a value on gradual scale. In terms of no adversary it reverts back to the Einstein insight of a benevolent universe or a merciless one.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wonder if it's possible to have partial Trust. Is that what you mean by it lying as a value on a 'gradual scale'? And could this be related to the possibility (or not) of having partial Honesty, partial LOVE, partial Integrity? In other words, can 'Trust' survive the presence of 'Doubt' and be less than 100%, or anything less than 100% is simply trust in name?

An ultimate, indivisible ONEness would, necessarily, entail no adversary (coz no division, no 'other'). This notion of non-duality could be a merciless illusion that bursts at just the right moment to give the Merciless ones their ultimate schadenfreude kicks :) ... I Trust (100%) a benevolent universe. I base this on my experience, such as it has been so far in this life and it feels like I have a choice in this perception, an influence even.

The extent of trust extended could be based on ones abilities, as how much you trust a doctor, or mechanic, or on ones adversary, such as do you trust them to be merciful and yet do you trust them as godparents to you kids? So the question is can you have trust and reservations about any one situation or person? It seems contradictory but there is trust or the extent of trust for any one situation, thing, or person, even if you believe that the universe is benovelent, do you trust working on a car on an inclined road with only the parking break on? Or do you trust a wedged rock along with the parking break?

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Trust here seems to have a quality of 'belief' (not certainty; with doubt present) in 'skillset' or 'ability' or 'intention' - the doctor's, the potential godparents' (not to do harm), the mechanic, the efficacy of the parking brake etc. This doesn't seem very far away from 'wishful' thinking, or calculated risk. Trust then seems to have the quality of 'willingness' to overcome doubt (past experience?). I can see this.

One thing that strikes me however, is that the above scenarios refer to 'trust' being placed in something external, over which there is not full control (can add the rock to reinforce the brake, and some, but something else could give, eg another car higher up rolls down and hits the secured car!).

I wonder how the notion of Trust plays out internally. Is there room for doubt in 'trusting oneself'?

Then the question is which self, the narrative of me or the presence which notices the me? The elevator scene from Revolver portrays that distinction very well.

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Hmmm, interesting! The 'narrative' of me seems to be the 'concept' or 'image' of me as it pertains to 'my' external perception of me, including how I perceive myself as being perceived and how I judge myself as per conditioned programming. The presence then, would be the one that 'notices' the game of 'me', sees the game without being caught up in the turbulence of the play itself, untouched by the conditioning - beyond it somehow.

In the clip (I now remember having seen the movie some years ago :) it seems more like an interaction between two 'narrative' selves (typical of trauma-induced splitting/compartmentalisation) rather than 'Presence' and 'self'.

It's both friendly and hostile and also neither.

Its friendly to certain attitudes and hostile to others and quite indifferent to others even.

Posted using Partiko Android

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