How To Stop Getting Attached To People

in #people6 years ago

Often, when we become attached to someone, we are looking for them to fill a void we have inside ourselves. It really is a tough world out there with more and more people taken others for granted. Less people are investing in their relationships, seeing them as only means to an end. With this type of clime, it has become quite a painful experience if you, like me, are one to get attached to someone easily. Even after they have shown their true color and hurt one, you still hold out hope they will be good and return the feeling. This would not happen and it is time to try the following steps in order to stop, or at least reduce, how you get attached to people.

Stop fantasizing:

We spend an inordinate amount of the time dreaming up utterly impossible scenarios which eventually lead to false, sometimes high, expectations from someone and ultimately heartbreak. So, hold your horses and only give as much as is offered. Do not jump the gun and expect more when more is not offered.

Spend time with people you already know:

Rather than running after someone who does not value you or your time, spend your free time with the people you already know and who love you (your friends). Dont cut on your friends to build a new love life. Spending more time with your acquaintances means you are less prone to getting attracted to new people. This is more as your friends help you stay away from a potentially toxic relationship.

Dont turn a blind eye to flaws:

Well, this is mean but when it comes to self-protection, everything is fair. Nobody is perfect and no one should be places on a pedestal without having to earn it. If you find yourself attached to someone and are trying to get out of it, focus on their flaws. Magnify those flaws. They would sure diminish in your eyes and you would get to move on from them
Attachment will always lead to disappointments. Focus on yourself. Build a good, strong foundation of self-love before pursuing relationships with others (romantic or platonic). Love you first, so if and when people leave or disappoint you, you won't be losing anything. A relationship should be an accessory, not a missing piece of your puzzle. You have to be the person who completes you


Well said at @debbynep...getting attached to people can cause alot harm than good..

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