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RE: Part 3 - The Philosophy of Existentialism - VII - The Meaning of Nonsense

in #philosophy5 years ago

Great one once again.

Ultimately, we each give our own meaning to anything. Actually, Love doesn't deserve meaning because from my experience Love in the end is the freedom to create anything we want including all in existence. Defining Love ultimately gives it a reality it does not deserve. So even though the world as it is in a state many don't accept as that anymore, it is great to realise that when we have the power to evoke change within, then without, that on some level we were the ones that allowed the current state of the world to come this very point, because in the very same way self-empowerment is a choice, disempowerment and self-victimisation has been a choice as well we each started cultivating for probably individual reasons.

Thanks! :)


Thanks a lot my dear friend for the compliment and for the wise, sensitive and intelligent comment, as always.:)
You are 100% right, we have been complicit with the current state of society.
Meaning to the most majority of people comes from outside, not the inside, making the difference between conformism and autonomy.
People prefer to die inside to be in peace with society, than to fight the world to find inner peace.
In our era of Intolerance have long surpassed Love, leading to War that is drowning Peace.
And thanks for the comment clearing up my impression that Steemit (or me) is creating content in an empty shell no one opens to see the pearls, because the prevailing model is automated finance of a vicious casino where the users are trying to milk the conned nickel machines.
Thanks for the human contact in the world of bots.

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From the beginning I have been of the opinion that Steemit has never meant to become a "high consciousness platform" but "just" the next big step in social media. What I do believe however is that those living more consciously and spiritually from the Heart have been given this "early adopter Steemit gift to build themselves a decent foundation in time so that when the masses flood in ( I truly see that coming) we already have a foothold here. Otherwise I think the concept of paid social media would have been strongly detested by those with more Heart-focus.

Clearly feeling all this is what makes me easily accept this place the way it is right now, while some very good articles like yours make the stay even more comfortable ;)

Great reflexion on the "state of things" on Steemit.
I really like the "high consciousness platform" designation of what steemit should be.
I don't care about the financial part, but a friend told me 2 years ago that if I wanted to pass my message the best way was to be on the trending page. :(
Like any early social-technical phenomena that I call the "Nascent State" (Alberto Alberoni) it is an illuminated collective involvement, that soon will be invaded by the masses that overcome this state of liberation and turns that social change happening into an imprisoning dark institution with moral laws like any other common social process.
The Yellow Vests are an example of a movement that is almost finishing because today the mighty powers are very fast in destroying this kind of movements, and the nationalist-populist right-wing leaders are trying to glue to these spontaneous social movements as a strategy to assault the power and augment the income of their sponsors.
Thanks a lot my friend for feeding my writing vein, and my spiritual growth, that I hope to work both ways.
People like a lot the song "Don't worry be happy", by I like the lyrics "do worry to be happy". :)

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