Some thoughts on the subject of "Mind Control".

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Okay so.. I've been wanting to write about this for a while, and.. This isn't my full summary unfortunately. I haven't researched it enough to give a more formed conclusion.. But.. It's fascinating enough for me to wanna share the few things I've learned.

I've been sort of trying to discover the origin of where our thoughts come from, or who "we are" like our personality/ego etc.

Through that I've been getting into the Pineal gland which I used to think was a bit fringe of a subject just like I thought mind control was as well so I didn't explore it very deep thinking it was a bit "woo woo".

I even had a friend on Facebook, and.. She might still be on my friends list though I haven't seen her for a while, who claimed she was a "targetted victim".
I liked her generally, though thought her hatred for Jews was a bit extreme and that her claims of being psychically targetted by sophisticated weapons was something she couldn't prove and that perhaps was just a form of trying to make herself seem more important than she was to the point she was being singled out and targetted.

I was highly skeptical of it, not closed off to the possibility.. But.. Very skeptical.. A lot of conspiracy theorists get deep down the rabbit hole and then think the government is personally out to get them.. And maybe it's true, but a lot of times I think the government doesn't really care about most of us trying to get the truth out.

And now after all this new stuff I've learned I'm thinking.. MAYBE... Maybe she really was being targetted, maybe many people are.. Maybe it's a lot more common than we think!

There are actually quite a few patents out there for "mind control" technologies. This is real.
One of the more fascinating ones is the so called "Voice of God" technology where they can literally put voices into peoples heads.

Apparently many of the mass shooters in the US and.. Just assassins in general throughout history have reported voices in their heads.
Now.. If you think about it.. How would you know if someone was putting thoughts in your brain.. If you don't even know who you are in the first place?

I think less than 1% of the people have ever really even deeply thought about who they truly are and where their thoughts come from.
Plus I think it's possibly and probably impossible to TRULY 100% know this. So someone with a technology that can shoot voices into your brain.. Is powerful indeed!

When I think back on my own life.. I hear awful voices all the time.. Telling me I'm ugly, old, stupid, worthless, pathetic and on and on and on.
However.. I still don't think it's the government doing that.. I think many people beat themselves up like this, and growing up I had a really lousy "friend"/rival who was like a drill instructor and gave me incessant negative feedback.

I didn't need any government mind control, I just had a really terrible friend to tell me I'm a horrible person all the time and that was enough.
But it made me wonder.. What if...? What if some of those voices weren't actually my own? What if.. I was actually seen as a threat for trying to wake people up so much and they were sending thoughts into my brain to make me hate myself even more?

I can't prove it either way, and don't think it's the government attacking me cause I don't think I'm a big enough threat to be singled out! Plus I had a horrible friend do the same thing to me without technology but just by bullying me much of my forming years of my life.

Though.. It's possible.. This technology is.. Not necessarily JUST being used to target individuals. It's possible they could have modes where they target MANY people at once.

What if there's something subconscious going on in regards to all the TV commercials and advertisements we see? Sort of like that movie They Live where they all have secret hidden meanings like "Obey/consume/reproduce" etc.

Maybe a lot of this stuff we get bombarded at us is acting similarly. Maybe there's hidden messages in all this information being jammed at us that is telling us to hate ourselves? And to hate others?

Maybe many people aren't even inherently bad and selfish as I thought.. Maybe they are literally being brainwashed to be that way.
Maybe they're getting information sent at them on a daily basis that is telling them they are bad people and to harm others as well.

Furthermore.. To tie all this in in a very crazy theoretical way, one reason I got down this line of thinking is.. I saw a meme mentioning crystals in the pineal gland.
You heard that right. I looked it up, and it looks like we have little crystals that form in our pineal gland and no one really knows why.

The pineal gland is believed to be the third eye and the seat of consciousness and this goes back to ancient times.
It's also believed to have it's own eye and be bio luminescent so it creates its own light source inside your brain, and I think this is where our dreams come via an ability to take those internal colors dancing on the inner walls of our brain and make pictures out of them similar or akin to something out of an idea like Plato's Cave.

The light creates shadows which can be turned into forms, which.. Are just illusionary, but still paint a picture.
And if the people in power.. Could shape those forms, then they can essentially shape what you believe and how you look at the world.

Additionally. There's a lot about crystals that suggest there's something special going on with them.
Some believe the word Christ, from Jesus Christ, is actually related to "Crystal".. And we use little crystals to essentially send information wirelessly through the air via our computers.

Crystals somehow seem to allow information to be sent wirelessly through the air! This is real science, look it up.
So.. If we have little crystals that form in seat of our consciousness.. And crystals can send or recieve information from a distance.. Is this how telepathy works? Or.. Brainwashing as well?

Who knows! I don't know.. But.. It's something really interesting to think about and I'm going to continue going down this rabbit hole when I have more time.
Will include a couple links below I find highly valuable that you can help inform yourself with. And if you have any useful insight into the subject please feel free to share!

This girl appears to be a pretty hardcore Christian which I am not, BUT.. The evidence she presents is till very compelling regardless of her religion.


I believe mk ultra and mind control are completely real! Just look at the entertainment business and listen to Some of the words in songs now, no matter the genre, it is truly a battle for the mind. There are so many caverns within that rabbit hole and I have been fascinated by this topic for quite some time! The cases of the shooters definitely make me wonder who is in control... government, medical, where does the power reside?

Good points. I dunno where the power truly resides, but.. I feel like a good place to look next is the occult realm. Maybe through that will find a higher power involved, but they are the next target right now in my opinion.. And it's tough to find, cause.. They're hidden. I don't think any of us regular people really know who's truly running things, and I don't think it's the various "presidents" or public leaders we are shown visibly. They are symbols to represent the hidden governments.

To link things based simply on English derived words can be a fallacy. One should look at the etymology, not only the English word similarity.

from Latin crystallus "crystal, ice," from Greek krystallos, from kryos "frost," from PIE root *kreus- "to begin to freeze, form a crust."

from Latin Christus, from Greek khristos "the anointed," noun use of verbal adjective of khriein "to rub, anoint" (from PIE root *ghrei- "to rub").

There are similar letters, but the letters and word-creation was not related in meaning.

Thanks for the feedback krnel, I agree with everything you said.
And I wasn't claiming any like.. Authoritative connection when I mentioned the Christ/crystal thing, I've just heard it mentioned before a few times in my research by some people who believed that. It's hearsay, that's all it really is.. Some people believe it to mean that. Who knows.

In all reality, no one probably knows where almost any words truly originated outside of perhaps some modern ones, even with the use of etymology.. It's still largely a thing of "guess work" and belief, experts guess and believe words meant certain things but don't know 100% for sure.

I'm aware already of the anointed one definition. Also the meaning of the word Christ is still debated by some. The anointed one is one of the most popular. Some believe it's related to Krishna. Others believe other things. I admit I don't know and try to make that clear when I write, but I'm not perfect and sometimes I mess up.

This is some really interesting stuff. I've never heard of this but I believe it. I'm pretty big on believing that our government has the power to and does fucked up things to people. I'm pretty glad we don't have cable in my house anymore, now you got me worried that brainwashing has been taken to a compeltly different level lol

It is indeed! And yeah I'm very open minded to it. Some of it is very compelling. And yes our government is pretty ruthless, a lot of people I don't think understand just how much. Which is one reason it continues to work so well. And heh.... Me too! I'm worried as well. And I do think the brainwashing is on a whole other level, but.. If you are aware forces are trying to brainwash you I think that's half of the battle right there! Hopefully anyways..

A lot of people are certainly close minded when it comes to the power of the government. I have no idea why so many people think they are the good guys. You are right though, it works out in their favor for that reason. Shoot up schools, cause mass hysteria to take the light off other issues, cover ups and the list goes on and on. Maybe its fear? Idk but they aren't fooling me.

Indeed! It boggles my mind on a regular basis especially when there is just so much information out there now! Youtube videos getting millions of views about this kinda stuff, but everyone's still too scared or powerless feeling to really know what to do, but at least more people are aware. That's good. We just need more aware people actually doing things to help and not just sitting with that knowledge.
And yeah I think fear is a big part of it.. That's one of their main methods of control. Whether religious fear of burning in hell forever or being rewarded with heaven or the fear of being shot up so you need them to protect you or blown up so you need them to go blow up people in other Nations.. And on and on and on.. The fear/terrorism is major, in fact "they" are the biggest terrorists in my opinion.

It is rather sickening to think of what they have done. Stuff we don't know of or have proof of but all of these conspiracy theories are not as crazy as people think. I'm not even going to lie, I'm aware and they don't fool me but they do kinda scare me haha! Its like the men in black, you say one wrong thing and fear you may die a mysterious death. That shit is real. Yea, the information out there is insane.

It is scary sometimes speaking truth to power. But I think it's important.. And.. I don't worry much cause I'm a small fry. I don't reach many people. If I reached millions or even hundreds of thousands, I might be a bit more worried, heh.

A lot of people are certainly close minded when it comes to the power of the government. I have no idea why so many people think they are the good guys. You are right though, it works out in their favor for that reason. Shoot up schools, cause mass hysteria to take the ligjt of other issues, cover ups and the list goes on and on. Maybe its fear? Idk but they aren't fooling me.

That's a great history, I appreciate your discussion. best of luck my dear friend.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

It's also believed to be bioluminescent so it creates it's own lightsource inside your brain, and I think this is where our dreams come via an ability to take those internal colors dancing on the inner walls of our brain and make pictures out of them similar or akin to something out of an idea like Plato's Cave.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Whoops. Lol. Thanks for the notice, lol. I'm not perfect and make some typos and mistakes from time to time!

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