Narcissistic personality disorder and its features

in #philosophy6 years ago

Narcissism is the love that the subject directs to himself taken as an object, alludes to the myth of Narcissus, love to the image of himself.

                            Source imagen History Misteries

Today we will talk about what its characteristics are and what a narcissistic person keeps inside, we ask you a question before starting that later you will understand: do you know the myth of Narcissus?

In ancient times, myths and stories were the most common ways in which people tried to explain the functioning of reality, of people, their relationships and their behaviors. And if something gives us to understand the story of the unfortunate Narciso is that a disproportionate love towards oneself can not have a good ending.

Returning to the present, narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder is a psychological category that describes a series of dysfunctional behaviors in the personality of an individual and that owes its name to this myth. Let's see what this is about.

"Selfishness is not self-love, but a passion disordered by oneself."

Characteristics of narcissistic people

All people are different and we have some features in common with personality disorders but in less intensity. Therefore, a certain degree of narcissism or otherwise called self-love is normal. The problem arises when this way of being is extreme and assumes the origin and development of a disorder.

In general, narcissistic people convey a disproportionately positive idea of themselves, overestimating their abilities and successes. In addition, they need constant admiration and approval from others, towards those who show little or no empathy.

But how do we know if we are dealing with a narcissistic person? According to the DSM IV (the fundamental manual used in psychiatry to diagnose mental disorders), a person could probably be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder if he met five or more of the following points:

  • It has a disproportionate sense of its importance.
  • He is preoccupied with exaggerated fantasies of imaginary success, power, beauty or love.
  • He believes that he is "special" and that he can only be understood or can only relate to other people who are special or high status.
  • It demands excessive admiration.
  • He is very pretentious, irrationally waits for favorable treatment or that his expectations are automatically fulfilled.
  • Exploit others in their relationships, for example, take advantage of them to achieve their own goals.
  • Lacks empathy: does not recognize or does not identify with the feelings and needs of others.
  • He often envies others or believes others envy him.
  • Presents arrogant and arrogant behaviors and attitudes.

                                            Source psytel

In addition, this problem, like all psychological problems, affects both the individual who suffers, unable to establish healthy relationships, and those around him, as they suffer from their lack of empathy and self-centeredness.

"Being good only with yourself is being good for nothing."

Low self-esteem in narcissistic people

The self-assessment of narcissistic people depends too much on what others think, being especially sensitive to criticism. So to not feel underestimated exaggerate their achievements while being displayed in a pedantic and smug.

In fact, some psychologists believe that the underlying cause of narcissism may be, although it may seem surprising, low self-esteem; hence they need constant assessment and are not able to accept criticism.

If we add to this way of behaving the lack of empathy and consideration for the other, which they hardly approve or listen to, the narcissist is condemned to need an approval that, due to his own way of behaving, is difficult to receive, thus converting his conduct in a vicious circle.

Surely you've ever met one of these people. When they are in company, they can not stop reviewing their achievements and virtues, rejecting those of others. They always pretend to be right and can ridicule or despise others.

A relationship with a narcissistic person, as a rule, is a toxic and unequal relationship. In it, the narcissistic person depends on the other to reaffirm their precarious self-esteem but is not able to give anything in return, especially the most necessary in a healthy relationship: empathy, support, listening and validation of the other.

Do you think you know any narcissistic person? Have you ever had a relationship with such a person? How has that relationship been?


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This is interesting. These are some of the traits that describe myself lol...except I do have empathy for others only when they are putting forth best effort. I know the myth of Narcissus. This day in age with millenials and social media, isn't narcissism very prevalent? It seems everybody is fishing for likes and admiration from others and will step on other's heads to get ahead.

Also what's the difference between confidence and narcissism? Is it low self-esteem as you may say. Arrogance represents narcissism as it is fake confidence and covers up low self esteem!

Is how you say the person trying to emerge regardless of whether they step on other people, arrogance is very present today in our society, one tends to have a bit of narcissism. Because if you do not love yourself then you do not love others. But getting to extreme narcissism is wrong.

A very interesting topic and a detailed exposition...
I think we all have some degree of narcissm...
The problem is when it becomes excessive ...
Like madness, we all have a certain level of it ...

Have a great day, dear my friend @joelgonz1982...☕❤

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