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RE: The Current Condition Conditions Us

in #philosophy6 years ago

It all starts when you are born, molded by your parent's view of truth and untruth. Then if you have parents (like mine) who think going to school and getting a job is the great path, it is even more difficult to find your truer potential.

We had outcome-based education to indoctrinate and guide us into available and restricted bodies of knowledge.

So true and couldn't disagree. Then after home, you are shoved into the societal acceptable norms. To a fresh young mind it doesn't make sense but the fear of being shunned makes you accept it blindly and in faith.

I have a draft post on unschooling but can't seem to put it together.

My question is how do you unschool yourself from early conditioning of falsehoods?


For your q: input of contrasting/contradictory info that reveals more truth compared to previous information accepted as true but now appears false by comparison.

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