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RE: Disappointment: The Opportunity Cost of Living a Western Lifestyle

in #philosophy7 years ago

I got rid of my hunger maybe 1.5 years ago after practicing health/nutrition/cleansing for a good 4 years.

I think the less complicated (mixed) our diet is the more our body has negative reactions.

Most of the time it's just whatever remnants are left in us causing the trouble. Whether it be heavy metals needing to be detoxed or simply old undigested matter.

Until you get the mucoid plaque out, you k now your colon/intestines are still full of gunk
WARNING on link can be gross
Mucoid Plaque Images

Mastercleanse can speed up the getting it out (lemonade diet) - another more extreme even is masterfast. but any kind of raw eating and proper hydrated or colon cleanses help; especially colon cleanses which can be more short lived though more hard to tolerate than mastercleanse etc.

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