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RE: Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 97

in #philosophy4 years ago

A bit of a downer after listening to this show. Normally enjoy it. Pessimism? I have enough of my own.

Thank you in any case. This show is not up to the usual positive ideas shared. Low Energy. Hope you have a better day and find things to make you feel more up-beat.


🤣 !giphy GenX+approves

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

feeling upbeat and keeping the volume full and strained at setting 11 will tire you out far more than disarming these so-called low energies by airing them.

Resilience is key. To both the lows and the highs because just staying stuck on one setting wont do anything for you when the fuse blows, the pipe bursts, the steam valve toooooooots and blows its top.

Your life will become stronger when you learn what makes you fragile. Resilience in the face of the lows, not a smile, not a side step.

Arm yourself! (but not with a fixated, disarming grin)

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